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And so it starts looking like a tender....



Not much else to say, really. I turned to the tender while I contemplated the valve gear, never having built an outside cylinder locomotive before...now that post will be fun, some come back soon!






I have also ‘paused’ the tender, so to speak as the axleguard spring shackles in the kit bear no relation to anything around the axleboxes of a ‘Schools’ class tender. Oh, whatever happened to the days when kits were a set of parts ready for assembly (Airfix, for example)? No Maunsell axleboxes on the market so more fabrication required. Chiz.




So, to an update. The issue with the axle boxes was all of my own making; looking more closely at what seemed like spring shackles in the PDK kit revealed that, yes they were exactly that, but I had mistaken the long 'feeder' for an integral part of the shackle component. Turned around the right way, they are actually a rather good representation of the shackle itself (not a hope of a decent photo otherwise I would have attached one!), but do not include the suspension arm, as I had first thought - that has to be made from brass wire and then the whole axle box assembled one way or another. Watch this space; that is planned for Saturday!


IF I have any excuse, it is that the illustration in the instructions does not help at all!


So, many apologies to the PDK casting chaps!

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Don't Finecast offer the tender axleboxes as spares? Or are they cast as part of the outside frames?

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Don't Finecast offer the tender axleboxes as spares? Or are they cast as part of the outside frames?

I'm awaiting a reply to my email on that very subject! I've seen them on a finished kit and couldn't tell if they were separate, but if they are, problem solved! 

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Don't Finecast offer the tender axleboxes as spares? Or are they cast as part of the outside frames?


Nope, Dave says they are integral to the frames, which leaves me with a) buy frames and cut them out, file back the frames until I am left with just the axleguards (and break the shackles off doing so) or b) fabricate. Ok, fabricate.

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