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More PTAs

The Fatadder


I've returned to my improved Lima PTAs this evening, spurred on by a photo showing a rake operating in 1998 (i.e. perfect for the layout!) I've got on with a little more work on this rake.


Not quite as much as I would have liked to do, (given that I've left my 'chopper' back in Bucks, along with most of my evergreen strip.)


The first job was some prep work, this batch of 5 wagons had already been detailed a fair few years back, just not to the standard of the more recent batch of 5 detailed in a previous blog post. As such the first job was to remove all of the plastic that had been added, and sand back to get everything smoothed off. Once this was completed there was further materiel to remove from the headstocks, cutting off the triangular supports (that had been very roughly cut when originally converted) which will now be replaced with accurately cut evergreen strip to the correct angle. the headstocks were also removed at one end (on the original model one end is attached to the chassis moulding which has been disposed of.) Again these will be fabricated from Evergreen strip, with a cutout for Kaydees. On the outer wagons the different shaped headstock had been carefully removed from the original chassis, which has been tidied up ready for refitting. One end was formed from a Lima oddity, despite having 2 chassis toolings (one with buffers one without) they also did a third tooling which had the outer headstock without buffers. Given that I was short of one buffer fitted headstock I fitted a set of brass buffers to this to match.


Moving to the ends, the only job that could be completed was the rectangle of 10tho plasticard which forms the base for the new end, having cut these from the sheet it was a simple case of aligning and gluing into position with plasticweld. Once this was dry I cut out the recesses in the fixed headstock for the kaydees.


The final job for the night was playing with a set of bogies; I have enough castings to fit to one 5 wagon set. The intended method of assembly in common with most white metal bogies is pretty poor, so I have been modifying some etched subframes to fit. Given that none of the existing etches are a perfect match, I have gone with the A1 DMU etch, mostly because its pretty solid (and I have a ton of the things that I will never use!) Its snipped to profile on the top, and has some materiel removed from the inner sides to clear the bearings (that are fitted directly to the casting) Still need to solder it all together once I get back to Bucks, but it will do for now. Given that the layout will initially only be able to hold a 5 wagon set, at least this will allow me to get a rake running while I wait for S Kits or Intercity Models to release either of their respective cast bogies.

Which leads me to the most worrying thing with this rake, Despite all the work (and the fact that the finished model does look the part.) there are some pretty serious errors with the sides and basic shape (stemming from the lima base model), end result means that the return of a decent kit will be tempting.


I am planning to take this rake (along with the etched kit for the O&K box that will go with it) to the Leamington show next month where I will be on the DEMU stand on the Saturday.


The final thing for this blog is on liveries with a slight change of plan over my initial thoughts, the shift in layout focus coupled with photos showing PTA rakes in use c1998 means that for the most part its all going to be finished in the CAIB version of Foster Yeoman with heavy weathering. One wagon will end up finished in ARC for a bit of variety (and because the pack of ARC logos I want for a 59 comes with 2 sets).

Speaking of transfers, the sheet for the O&K boxes does 2 wagons, so I think I may end up buying another wagon to do there as well (might help with the fabrication of the new floor for the one I have come to think of it...)


An enjoyable evenings modelling, made even better by the highlights of Bath vs Gloucester being on the tv (though if only ITV would show more than two minutes worth!)


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