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Barclay on the way at last




I started this as a quick project about four months ago.......... The chassis is from Mark Clark and the body the S&D Barclay - well that was the quick and easy bit! Chassis went together pretty well but I had trouble with the plastic gears and possibly set them with not enough slack or was it that Marks finely etched were once again no match for my ham fisted construction. Result - a pile of bits and the need for a Mashima and Branchlines box and a bit of simplification of the valve gear.


Now the body - this is a pretty old kit and I fear getting a bit tired and although OK in it's day now not really up to scratch. An awful lot of work was needed on badly cast, fitting and pitted parts. Many of the details are also rather crude and over scale . This was reinforced by finding a nice Roy Link drawing in the Calshot and Fawley book. I have sorted out a few of the more obvious bits but if I really got going it would probably be quicker to start again from scratch, it is only really a cab and a boiler after all!


Next step is painting (pretty easy in overall black), and getting it DCCed - not so easy. There is not really enough room anywhere out of site for my new favorite chip the TCS kat22 so I fear it is going to have to fill the cab disguised by a driver. I am thinking that I might be able to dispense with my other dreaded task which is fitting couplings. As the sole duty of this loco will be to push wagons over the new uncoupling magnets it will be much simpler if it can't actually couple up. Before anyone chimes in with fact that the WDLR never operated this Barclay, the RAF did in 1918 so I am not stretching it too far that one may have been borrowed for trials - it was only meant to be a quick and easy project anyway ......



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Recommended Comments

Very Nice: I always liked seeing these painted up in WDLR Livery - Black with Red Stripes or just black in the end. Very nice work

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