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Dinowic and Baby Elephants



This was going to be a real first - a live blog from 1000ft up a Welsh slate quarry - full 4g signal, pics on phone and then RMWeb in complete meltdown! All the nasties nicely sorted and the blow by blow account by Andy of what was going on was very nicely done. So back home from a crafty two nights in North Wales and here are some pics. After a relatively early start and big breakfast in Porthmadoc (nothing happening at Harbour or WH Heritage), a rapidly brightening day saw us proceeding on virtually car (and certainly coach and caravan!), free roads up past Beddgelert, Llyngwynant and Pen-y-Pass down to Llanberris. While Louise elected to go though the papers now not so little Iz and I went exploring and got a bit carried away. Straight up Dinorwic A1 incline, then A2 and then A3. I must point out that all this is completely within the bits that you are allowed in and we didn't go off piste at all but the amount to see was just staggering. Best of all it appears that you can just keep going up the A incline right to the top but we really hadn't equipped ourselves for such and adventure that day so turned around and headed for deserted beaches on Anglesey instead.




Next morning while the girls were taking their usual and completely inexplicable long time getting moving I went off in search of the Ynys Pandy Slate Mill. I have previously failed to find it but was a bit more prepared this time and was completely successful although if the mist had been any thicker I might have missed it completely!




Oh yes - the mysterious baby elephants! Well that is what I presume the family in the Travel Lodge room above us must have had with them. Up and down, bang, bang ,bang until well past midnight both nights, Funny thing was that we couldn't here any voices just ceiling shattering thumps. With all credit to the Travel Lodge staff who I have always found to be completely brilliant in every one we have ever stayed in , they did offer to move us but was going to be a bit complicated as there wouldn't as no cleaned rooms were available in the morning and we wanted to get off without moving the extra ordinary amount of stuff that the out numbering female contingent of the household seem to find necessary to bring for a two night stay! Any way back home with glass of wine and looking forward to a good nights sleep!


And a Happy New Year to you all!



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