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Mitchell Manor Build pt3

The Fatadder


Another hour's work on the Manor last night and more progress.


First up was the cab, the etched beading was completed (adding the mm or so up to the roof) before bending to shape and test fitting the cab floor.  

Once I was happy with the cab it was soldered into position on the footplate.


Next up was an attempt to try and finish off those parts which were missed off in earlier stages, so on went the lamp irons (along with resoldering the joint between the bufferbeam front and the footplate).  I wanted to add the etched valve covers next, however the etches appear to have wandered off.  I need to find some decent photos and scratch build some replacement parts...


This left no more room for procrastination, it was time to get the splashers fitted.  Putting Tuesday night's effort to one side I prepared the next etch, strangely this one was slightly longer and was a perfect fit (and quickly soldered into place onto the footplate.)  This was followed by the other splashers on the front two axles.  After a long look I still cant work out how the splasher is fitted to the rear driver, there just simply isn't room for it to pass through under the cab front.  Instead I chopped it down to length and just soldered on the visible section, the left hand splasher here was the most difficult given its width and the lack of access inside the model.


The final job for the night was the motion bracket, with the parts soldered together before fitting to the model.  Again the instructions are a little unclear in this area, mentioning adding a flange pt 59.  There are two of these on the etch, however pt59 is also referred to as the front for the splasher in an earlier step


Fit the small curved flanges (59) on top of, and at right angles to the motion bracket (62 and 63). The small lever. (73).  the weigh-shaft arm and locates the end of the reversing lever reach rod, (54), through the slot in the footplate between leading and centre drivers on the righthand side (leave fitting this item until final detailing).





I cant remember what (if any) detail photos I took of this area (not that it matters until the Galleries function is working again), so if anyone has any detail photos they can share it will be appreciated.   I am missing some castings here (the semi-circular box forward of the motion bracket) which will need forming from plasticard and gluing in place once finished.


I must remember that I want to get the bracket for the nameplate soldered on before I do much more work 

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The flange goes on top of the bracket. This pic is actually on a Prairie. The Manor is similar except that the flange is flush with the face of the bracket.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks, in that case the instructions are referring to the wrong part.....  I think that is actually part 61 not part 59...

Will get it soldered on tonight between work and dinner.   


I was planning to have a look at my Mitchell 43xx for inspiration, but you've saved me the effort.

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