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Most progress this week was on another project for the other blog.   I'll have a post that way on Sunday evening.


I have been continuing with laying appliques to the Infinity bases.   I've only two more to cut, and three to glue down.   I'll need to define which model gets which base next.   Afterwards, I can sit and slot the bases to take the tabs & pegs.    I'll likely glue the minis to the bases with PVA for a temporary bond, until I figure out a spray booth.   I'd like to actually play the game sometime.



They're not perfect.   I should take the time to clean up the few ragged ones when I cut the slots.   Paint will be simple; primer-some kind of dark gray-drybrush silver.   Maybe an oily wash applied piecemeal.    Should look real good.   We'll see.


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