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LNER Signal box

Paul G


Have started to develop the other end of the railway. Originally this was going to be and off scene area. But as the railway is only a simple double track oval running line I've decided to landscape this area also now. The area for storing trains/fiddle yard was a bit small for purpose any way, and why not maximise scenic area? There will be a junction in this part of the railway, just a small single lead type. This of course will require a signal box. I had thought to add one previously and found a kit for a great central box which was the business but it was over £100 (may up grade one day?). So recently I returned to looking for something suitable and found a kit by L Cut creative for an LNER box priced around £10, much more justifiable under current circumstances.

After first assembling the main body of the box I've painted it (only first coat at the time of writing and photo) and the window frames plus other bits and bobs. This I'm thinking should be easier than trying to pick them out once assembled.


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Nice to see someone building these things.  I don't see a lot of threads.  I have done a lot of Lcut buildings in 7mm and think they are excellent.  My builds have used Scalescenes principles for brick walls and roofs.  Well done.


Will you do an interior?  Something I like is Scalescenes kits have interior elements.  For instance, their R010 signal box has printed interiors.  I tend to borrow from Scalescenes for my Lcut buildings.



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Initially I will glaze it with some clear plastic scavenged from pacaging as the kit doesn't supply any. I had thought for the moment to fit the completed roof but not glue it, so as to allow access should I wish to detail the interior.

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I did start a 7mm GWR signal box but it is on hold as I wanted a LNER box.  I used some cast resin interior parts for the interior:




Bricks are Scalescenes.



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