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Same layout, new home

Wayne 37901


So here we are in a new forum, so far I like the look of it. But then I've only had a quick browse...


I thought I would start this blog to provide a showcase to the layout and various projects being worked on in addition to my workbench thread! I'll also post up progress on various areas of the layout depending which part I'm working on at a given time. Before I continue with showing the current progress of things, I feel a quick run down is in order for any new members to the forum. So here goes....




My Current layout Dragon Steels is a small works based in South Wales, it is one of a few that are owned by private companies. It sees block traffic but also Speedlink feeders associated with the metals business. It also has it's own Wharf to enable Import/Export to take place, access to this is gained by internal roads and ralway lines, of course these are assumed to be 'off scene' from the rest of the layout


The idea behind it came from my seemingly growing collection of various steel carrying wagons, also being OO gauge it gives me somewhere to test any stock which I provide for public running days on the club layout as well as providing a better background for photographing WIP (Work In Progress) models.


Various forms of metals traffic can be seen here, I won't go into details but variety will be the aim of the game...


For now I'll keep it short and sweet.


Here is a link to the old Dragon Steels thread should you wish to see the story from the begining.






Recommended Comments

Hi Wayne,

Glad to see you're keeping this one going.

If I was looking to do something else in 4mm, I think I would have chosen something like this.

Your weathering continues to impress!

...Now you must get on with the layout!

I'll help you operate it, at next years Cardiff show.....



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Hi Wayne,

Glad to see you're keeping this one going.

If I was looking to do something else in 4mm, I think I would have chosen something like this.

Your weathering continues to impress!

...Now you must get on with the layout!

I'll help you operate it, at next years Cardiff show.....




Thanks Marc,


Glad you found it ok, I'm trying as best I can to keep this one going, to be honest I'm still 100% convinced of the new blog style but hey it'll grow on me I guess.


Thanks for the kind words on the weathering icon_redface.gif


The plan now is to make some good progress on the layout, I'll be doing this in the evenings over the coming week. I even have a gantry crane kit to modify now, so stand by for a bumper update on progress towards the middle of the week icon_wink.gif


Regarding the next Cardiff show - that's some way off yet, not even sure the layout will be good enough to exhibit, time will tell as I make progress I guess icon_wink.gif


PS: I'll see if I can pop over for a propper look at Brachty Bridge tomorrow.



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Hi Wayne,

Any progress on the layout?

I was wondering which gantry crane kit you have?

I quite like the look of the old Lima kit (I believe Hornby are marketing it now?).

From the piccies I've seen - It looks like it could be easily modified or re-configured, to give you a model with a difference. All the essential details seem to be there, so it could even be the basis for a completely different-looking crane.


Keep us posted

Marc :D

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Hi Wayne,

Any progress on the layout?

I was wondering which gantry crane kit you have?

I quite like the look of the old Lima kit (I believe Hornby are marketing it now?).

From the piccies I've seen - It looks like it could be easily modified or re-configured, to give you a model with a difference. All the essential details seem to be there, so it could even be the basis for a completely different-looking crane.


Keep us posted

Marc biggrin.gif


Hiya Marc,


Yes I've made some progress but I want to make some more before it goes in front of the camera, what I do need to do is go to maplins and get some DPDT sliding swithes so I can get some wire in tube points fitted.


Once Ive done this and I can finish the track laying (not much left to do) and then I'll get the camera out.



What this spacewink.gif

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