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Episode 8 - Adventures in Refinement 4 - And Monclarence becomes Clarencekirk



I've been doing some more work in the background of this project.  The single track main-line at the rear of the branch terminus, continued to make me uneasy.  I just couldn't find a mechanism that would allow my brain to accept the arrangent as presented, i.e. that of a single track main-line passing a branch-line terminus (Particularly when the branch is served by St Catherine's Bay, and by extension the means of landscaping between the two.  It all felt far too contrived.


With this in mind, I've abandoned the passing main line and reverted to this section being hidden.  Monclarence felt cumbersome on first impressions, but I felt it would grow on me.   Alas, it has not.  ST Clarence was a possibility, but offers no variety from St Catherine's Bay.  The answer was in my present home town allowing itself to be corrupted.  Clarencekirk feels much better.  Perhaps this part of the island attracted a community of Scots to work the quarries and mines of the area?


Clarencekirk will now sit on it's own, within a box and proscenium, with space behind to access the hidden main-line for cleaning, etc., from beneath.  Previously the hidden branch-line climbed around the room behind St Catherine's Bay to the fiddle yard, but the latest plan calls for this to cicumnavigate on the level to it's separate fiddle yard at the front of the fiddle yard board.   A cassette will allow trains to transfer between the Clarencekirk and the St Catherine's Bay fiddle yards as required.




The thing about St Catherines Bay as a terminus was the lack of goods opportunities, beyond that of those within the station environs.  I thought a solution might be to have goods trains. partiularly modest block workings, arriving in the station and then reversing back the way they had come, ostensibly to serve "the docks".  Again, this felt more than a little contrived and probably an opperational nightmare.  Inspiration for the answer came from Fort William, Mallaig, Penzance... Despite being a terminus, one platform is a through line serving "the docks", these being a set of sidings within the fiddle yard where van, cement, oil, container, Fish trains arrive and, after a suitable pause, depart through the station.  The station building will provide a suitable view blocker for the inevitable hole in the back(side)scene.  For the through platform (#4) to operate flexibly, it needed a run-round facility, and this has been added.  This at the cost of the Dairy siding, which I have removed.  The dairy will be the only industry served by reversingback up the main line. to a cassette.  This cassette facility will also serve as the carriage sidings.  The fish loading shed has also been removed, merchandise now being dealt with of-stage at "the docks".  The dock branch also allows for a continuous run for locomotive running in, etc.







Edited by scottystitch


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