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Baseboards (again)



So I had to have a think about the priorities.


Priority No1 is get (at least 1) train running around the room. 

Priority No 2 is get a 2nd train running around the room


In order to do priority No 1, I need to knuckle down and build base boards. So for the moment all work on wiring, electronics and other railway modelling projects is paused and the main thrust of action is to get the lower deck baseboards and the top deck constructed. As its at the back the top deck (DC) will be fully constructed (with scenery, electronics and wiring) before I come back to the lower deck (DCC). The other advantage with this is I also have all the track I need in Code 100 and a mixture of insulfrog and electrofrog points.


I now have an L shape on the top deck with two more baseboards (7 & 8) that need new top deck modules adding. Last night I installed the top deck on baseboard 6 in the corner. The more I build the more the room looks like a model railway room.


I am currently flattening out my sheet of 2mm cork ready for cutting up and laying on the top deck.


(Another priority this winter was to clear out all that plywood that is sitting downstairs in the garage taking up space.....)


I was interested to read in the latest MERG journal about  signals being used to control the layout through use of relays and CBUS. This is something which I was already working on anyway but I need to now re-route some power on baseboard 1 to make it into a parallel circuit. The idea being that the signal is put at danger and in the same switch the power is also turned off. I had planned that but hadn't thought to combine it with a signal (not that I have any signals) but to wire this up should be relatively simple so will futureproof it with isolators and make ready for relays when I put those in.


Had a scenery idea for backscene after looking through some other layouts. Get a sheet of 1mm / 2mm ply, shape it and paint it and then glue on building sheets, fencing bushes and foliage to make it 3D. Attach to loft wall with command strips.  Not to use the photo backscene and let the loft colour work for itself as a typical overcast England day.


Basically I just want to get something running around the room while I work on the rest of the layout.




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Hi Matt,


I'm not a member of MERG but the use of signals switching track power is something I definitely want to implement. Are you able to scan or summarise that part of the journal please?


Getting trains running is a massive boost, so good luck.


I personally found ID Backscenes to be inexpensive and worth while, but desaturated colours in the backscene are always complementary.


Many thanks!

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It was a 5 page article in MERG journal Vol 55 No 4 page 31 , I can't reproduce here due to copyright reasons (memberships only £16 per year  - bargain and well worth it) but essentially its down to where you place your isolators and using relays to power up different sections while linking to the signals

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