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Upping the pace(r)...

James Hilton


My P4 project, part of the RMWeb 2010 challenge is a model of Rose Hill, Marple. It's a toe dipping exercise in prototype observation - not 100% to scale (something more like 80% with the station building and pub) but with the definite intention of 'feeling right'. That means fantastic observation of prototype and artistic colouring.



The only rolling stock required (until Bachmann release a 150/1 in Northern Rail) was deemed to be a Pacer as I had one of the original Hornby ones to hand from my childhood. Over the past few months this has undergone a massive transformation (more details on RMWeb) but I reached 2 milestones today. 1) Ready for painting and 2) Ordering the custom decals from Precision Labels!




One thing I'm particularly pleased with is the underframe. I've not gone to the extent of massive rebuilding but with new front dams, beefed up suspension units and some judicious cutting of the box for the weight I've got something I'm happy with.



I'm also pretty pleased with the new exhaust pipes - the pipe at the bottom will be glued to the underframe rather than hanging down once the body is painted.



So now I just need to source some suitable paints!




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Aha - good question!


Plastic cocktail stick - sourced from my kitchen (via Tesco). Couldn't find anything else that was the right diameter - and being plastic I could heat them up to put the top kink in them. The pipe at the bottom is just wire, cut cleanly with a knife and superglued on to the bottom. The little securing brackets are plastic strip superglued to the pipe. Fiddly but finish it off nicely :)





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  • RMweb Gold

sounds good, having messed about with brass when trying to get the exhausts done for my wessex 150 without a lot of success I will give that a try. My big problem was getting the curve on the bottom right, and using wire sounds ideal!

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I'm following your blog with interest, although the period is not rally my scene. The Pacer mods look good, but could I just suggest you extend the bottom end og the exhaust pipe(s) so it disappears up into the underframe? Depending on the viewing angle of your layout, this would make a difference, even if it doesn't quite follow the prototype routing. You'll have to bear in mind that it doesn't prevent chassis removal. If so, attach the extension to the chassis.





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I like what you have done with the underframes. Now where's my knife!!biggrin.gif


Are you going to remotor the beast? I have been thinking about doing mine.


Cheers Peter,

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Dave - the 'wire' attached to the exhaust pipes will be superglued to the chassis when the bodies are finally fitted so yes will loop up out of the way :)


Peter - no, I don't think it's worth it for the length of run on Rose Hill! I'll wire the motors together though :)

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By the way, when you say you ordered paint did you manage to find a suitable shade of purple? What are you using for the blue? I matched the Northern colour to one of those from Revell's range but it looks a little dark on the model to my eye, especially when compared to Hornby and Bachmann's efforts.

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I've plumped for Regional Railways blue - I think the First blue looks too dark. Ordered all the Railmatch colours yesterday from Howes - I've gone for DB Schenker grey for the roof - maybe a touch light but I can add a spot of black if it is...


To make the purple I'm going to use a gloss light blue and mix in some gloss red - as recommended by John at Precision Labels. I'll document it all on here so keep your eyes peeled - she's coming together now :)





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Great, the recent arrival of custom parts means I'm clearing some space on my workbench and might actually be able to start my pacer soon. Is yours one of the newer ones with 1 powered car, or the older twin-powered ones?


Using your article in Model Rail, I'm having stab at weathering an old Hornby 37 I have in Mainline livery - hopefully the faded paint will come out OK.

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It's an original original one. I'll be wiring the motors in parallel. Glad the 09 article provided some inspiration - when I did my 37 I used just a faded varnish coat - but patch painting with some different shades of blue first would have given a better finish.

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