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Church End



One of the things I built for our coffee-table layouts was a church and surroundings ("built" is stretching it really as its another Liddle-End building)


I feel this will look really good on the layout. I've got a crossing-keepers house (which is, of course, completely the wrong orientation for the position its going to be sited on, an Oast house (so that puts the layout in Kent) and a Scenecraft school.


Yes, that's the Metcalfe stables buildings in the far-corner. I know what I wrote, but I think I can get away with these as they are reasonably small... I'll see.




You can see some Noch "boys playing football" figures which will go great in the playground area behind the school. Lora would be asking me "what about the girls?", so I'm on the lookout for some Young Ladies models that would be suitable; just don't go googling for them - you end up with all sorts of unsuitable websites being offered.


I'm avoiding a residential area and I'm also avoiding an industrial area; If this was residential then you'd expect better access to the station than "drive off in opposite direction to station and then circle round 1/4 of a mile to the front of the layout". If this was industrial then I couldn't get away without a goods yard and a more more sidings, which would have used up all the space and there wouldn't have been any space to *put* the buildings in the first place. So I've gone for three buildings which could easily be on the edge of a village/town rather than in the centre, which suits a lot of Southern stations which ended up a mile's walk from the place they were named after.  




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