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A possible prototype



For Christmas, I got the second edition of Joe Brown's London Railway Atlas and it's already heavily thumbed.

Whilst browsing it recently, I cam across Charlton station. At first glance, it doesn't look particularly interesting, but cross-referencing with my copy of Quail, suggests there's much more than meets the eye.

I've sketched a simple plan of the area:


It has a perfect scenic break at the Woolwich end and also on the Blackheath leg *and* it has the bonus of a junction to the freight-only Angerstein Wharf branch.

At the Westcombe Park end, the line goes over the A102, but I'm sure there's a way to disguise that.

However, it doesn't fit my space very well. So, I've reversed it:


That would fit my space much better, and it's a prototype I certainly intend to investigate further.

I think I could 'bend' the Angerstein branch and the main line behind some scenery, so there can be one fiddleyard for them and the Blackheath line.

As for the Westcombe end, I have a plan to actually run it as a terminus. My rationale is that there's engineering work so trains have to terminate and reverse. Another idea is to have the platforms 'offstage' and use that space as a fiddle yard.

That's something that needs some more sketching to make clear though!


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Charlton being very local to me (I'm from Blackheath, just through the tunnel), I'll be very interested to see how this progresses.

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