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Of weeny LEDs and orange



Success!! Well, second time around.


Since embarking on the cab detailing exercise it didn't take me long to realise that there was little point in going to this level of detail, if no-one was ever going to see it. Sure, I know it's there and that's pretty satisfying, but every now and again everyone likes to show off a little bit :D


So, to that end, I decided that the cab would need to be lit, for the purposes of showing off and atmospheric night shots, which I do have a penchant for. My quest for suitably sized LEDs led (geddit ;)) me to ebay after trying my regular sources. I found this seller:


Who appeared to have exactly what I was looking for in terms of warm/sunny white LEDs. I've used the 1206 sunny white LEDs in the cab - ordered early Tuesday and delivered Friday from Germany, no connection etc, etc, but great service. I didn't think the prices were too bad either, given the current exchange rate.


This was the result with the LEDs as fitted, with a 1.2k resistor on each LED, wired to a common return:


Whilst not as blue as the normal white LEDs, it still didn't capture the orangey, slightly dingy, glow that you normally get from incandescent bulbs. So, a bit of orange paint and there was a vast improvement:


It captures the look far better IMO. A fair bit of the detail can be seen through the windscreens as well:



The beauty of the 1206 variants is that they are virtually the right scale size for the cab lights (according to my quick back-of-the-fag-packet calculations from photos ;) ) I originally tried 680 ohm resistors, but these were far too bright. TBH, I might swap the 1.2K for 1.5K resistors, although the brightness looks about right now after adding the paint.


I promise that these are the last cab photos I bore you with, the other end will look much the same as this.... :D


Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Premium

Definitely giving the right feel. Would have been a great shame if nobody else could see all that detail. Looks really nice and grubby. :)




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