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Judith Edge Steelman Royale handrail, ride height and sandbox lids.



Well, after a couple of days thinking, I got the pliers out and attacked the front handrail - here's the result;


Better, but not perfect. However it will do.

I sorted out the sandbox lids today. The etched holes were opened out and .33mm rod soldered in to form handles whilst the lids were still attached to the etch, the half etched side is on the bottom to form a lip. Note the door hinges on the left of the etch.


Then the lids were cut from the etch, held in pliers and cleaned up with a file. They will be glued in place later, in the angled holes in the valences.


There is no mention of sandboxes in the instructions, they are pretty obvious though.

Another thing thats not really covered is fitting the motor bogie. If fitted straight in the ride height is too low and the unit fouls the cab. To get this right I glued plasticard spacers to the motor mounting plate. Note the lead weight, 6mm wide strip sold as aquarium plant weight.


I will need a washer on the top as the screw thread sits proud of the mounting plate. You can see why the body is seperate from the footplate, otherwise the bogie attachment screw would be inaccesable and to make the body easier to paint.


I made the plastic spacers .050" high from .030" and .020" laminated together. It took several attempts to get the ride height to my liking, constantly checking the buffer height against another loco (assuming thats correct...) and checking the relationship between the axles and axleboxes.


I think I've got it right.

Arriving in the post today was a rather good DVD - 'The Bicester Military Railway'. Lots of good footage of very shiny Steelman Royales and of loose coupled trains and fly shunting. A few 37's knocking about as well (recorded in '92). No excuses now for getting livery details wrong...


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Thanks for asking about the running James - you've prompted me to check becouse until now it hadn't seen a piece of track! So out came the controller and my bent length of C+L. I'm pleased to say that it runs well, better than a spud. I have put lead in the body - the BB instructions state 'do not exceed a weight of about 100g on top of the centre pivot'. I've gone slightly over but my locos never run anyway as I don't own a layout. (Is there anyone in the Buxton area with an EM layout that would let me test run locos?)

Apparently BB's are available with 27:1 reduction, mines 15:1. I've not seen any 27:1's for sale - anyone know a stockist?

It is quite big. Apparently these were originally designed as an 0-6-0 but changed to 4w to cope with tight curves (according to the Bicester DVD).



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These people do them in 27:1




Unfortunately, they'll probably change your order to 15:1 without telling you on the basis that 27:1's run too slowly (eh, it's a shunter for goodness sake!). To be fair, they did offer to change them to 27:1's but I didn't want to wait another 6 weeks for them to come from Australia. So if you do order from them, make sure they know that you actually want the 27:1 ratio.


I'm not entirely sure where their idea of the 27:1 ratio being too slow comes from. Given that the 15:1 ratio shoots off like a scalded cat at anything above 30% on the controller, I can't see how the 27:1 can be anything other than a good idea!


Anyhow, they'll definitely supply them. I think Branchlines could probably get hold of 27:1 bogies as well.


Hope this helps



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Thanks for the link Alastair, I'll keep a note of that ready for when I start my Vangaurd. I've already got a OO Black Beetle for it, 15:1, at the time I didn't realise that EM ones were available. I like the idea of being able to change the gauge easily by swapping the bogie over so I'll keep the OO one as it is and get another EM one.

Anyway, what is too slow?


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That's what I thought - no such thing as too slow - something with a reduction in 3 figures would be even better!

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