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Oil Tankers, a bit of progress...



Hello :)


Today has been a good day. Firstly I went to the Basingstoke show and met a few nice people form here and the 2mmSA. I also picked up a some paints and things from Squires and finally after a couple of years I can now paint things with my airbrush again (which is really really cool). I spent this afternoon giving the Oil Tankers I built last weekend a coat of gloss black in readyness for the transfers.


While I am on the subject of transfers I also managed to apply some to the Tanker I had painted a while ago to see how easy it would be...




First of all earlier this weekend I drew in Corel Draw the transfers I needed for the wagons. I then sent these to John at precision labels to be printed in white on waterslide transfer paper. John did a fantastic job and returned the transfers to me in a couple of days.


I then applied them to the wagon using the famous Klear floor polish stuff which surprised me to be honest how well it worked. I tried to get some Micro Sol at the show today but unfortunately I couldnt find any. It went well although the numbers were a bit fiddly, the transfers are a bit delicate though as they needed to be printed thinly to get the detail (hence the 'E' missing from the 'Esso' text) Anyway here are the results...






The wagon now needs a coat of matt varnish to finish it off and seal in the transfers then a splash of weathering but I am pleased on how it has turned out.


Missy :)


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Absolutely firkin Marvellous Missy.


I've been a lurker for a while and have followed your Blog and previous incarnatory thread attentively, and am still in awe of the detail that can be achieved on a wagon of approximately an inch in length. Never mind the rest of the wonderful gubbins on Highclere.



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