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I made this... Sentinel chassis 'finished'

James Hilton


As you'll be aware Meadow Lane is about firsts for me - so including P4, track building and fully scratchbuilt buildings I'm also trying to build my own etched brass kit.


I've shown you guys the early progress but wanted to get a bit further before I posted anything else. I'm now in a position where the chassis is 'finished' for now - it's taken about 10 or so hours for me to get this far over a month or so and I can honestly say I'm chuffed to bits. To be honest it's one of the only things keeping me sane with all the other stuff going on in my life at the moment - and I'm proud with what I've achieved. Bear in mind this is my first ever etched brass kit - and my first real flirtation with proper soldering. Things are getting better although I've struggled with some of the smaller parts and forming rivets I think the result is passable.


Here is the chassis from both ends and underside (please ignore the messy soldering - you won't see it when it's finished!





Here is the chassis balancing on the Black Beetle showing you can modify it quite easily to get the correct ride height - I'm still not sure how I'm going to fabricate a new mounting for the Black Beetle though so any ideas welcome!



I'm pleased with the lifting eyes, they've come out well and look really fine! The rivet plates behind the buffer beams were hard though - not to flood with solder when you floated them into position (they were lightly tinned on reverse first). I think it worked ok - this is the best of the 4!




Questions, comments and encouragement welcomed - I'm embarking on the bonnet next! If I can do this then I'd suggest any reasonably confident modeller could follow in my footsteps. The Judith Edge kit is well designed, fits well and although is only described in words (rather than assembly diagrams) it is actually pretty easy to work out as you go. I'm really impressed so far and will definitely build another one day!


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A brass bracket should be easy to fabricate, either an elongated 'n' shape or a flat piece supported by brackets either end. See my Steelman Royale chassis to see how its fitted to that. Or if you can wait until I finish work on Sunday (I'm at work right now) I'll send a more detailed photo or a sketch your way.

Nice job by the way.



Edited to add link.

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That sentinal is looking great - I am following your progress with this as I would like to make an industrial shunter in the future for either an MOD or industrial type of sidings and seeing your work is very good to learn from and I am really impressed with how this is taking shape, please keep up the posts as well as the great work,




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Thanks guys - I'm chuffed you're impressed. Mark - all you really need is a 25W iron, some 145deg solder, flux and a few hand tools. I use a small file, a small bench vice and I also treated myself to a hold and fold. The Judith Edge kit seems very well thought out and goes together easily - this one isn't explicitly designed for the Black Beetle but if you look at Halfwit's blog you'll see the Steelman Royale is designed for it so it's then really a straight forward build.


This is giving me the confidence to try a chassis next time. I'm wondering about springing or compentation and a lovely smooth motor gearbox flywheel combo! Maybe I've ideas above my capability - but Meadow Lane should really have a 6 couple outside framed Sentinel than the chain driven smaller 4 wheel version.

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