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Op 14t Open Wagon Part 3 – Side Stanchions



Some more work completed on the Op wagon progressing slowly to getting one side of the body “nearly†complete. One sides worth of stanchions have been fabricated and located along the body side. These were made using 2mm dia. brass tube with a 0.25mm brass wire looped and soldered into the tube. Once cooled down a file was used to shape and create the eyelet at the top of the stanchion.


Unfortunately, unlike the prototype the stanchions are not removable. I looked at the possibility of using brass tube to represent the solebar level locating points, however it looked over scale and proved a challenge to reproduce to the same small length of tube 14 times.


A length of chain has been added to see “how it looksâ€. I’m struggling to find any finescale chain that actually looks like “chainâ€. Various internet searches pull up many suppliers however they all appear to look the same. Very round and high number of links per inch. This may be a point of compromise, however I will keep looking.


Other small details have been added to the underframe, included a number of the excellent Plus Model Etched Nuts and Bolt heads to the headstocks.


A few pictures of the work so far with the wagon sat on a pair of O gauge wheels…




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Hi Josh


Yes, we still have Frampton and will always ensure that there is stock to run on it. The problem I am having at the moment is work...no time to play trains :(


The SR proj is on hold for the time being. There are some things we wernt happy with and some steps that we needed to get over to make it into a reliable exhibition performer.


The swedish proj has helped me re focus my modelling again and is also providing some excellent challenges, certainly from the research aspects.

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