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Op 14t Open Wagon Part 4 - Details, details, details...and paint



A considerable amount of work has been completed since the last update.






Underframe detail including the air brake and reservoir tanks has been completed and mounted to the underside of the body. All brake rigging is in place and awaits fitting to the clasp brake shoes and tie bars when installed. W Irons are now fixed in place. The finer details to the sides of the wagon is also complete all bar the rope/lashing points located along the side of the wagon. These will be formed using fine wire and positioned accordingly. Bolt heads located along the body are from the excellent Plus Model stainless steel etch as previously mentioned.


And most obvious of all, the wagon has now been primed in a coat of Red Oxide Plastic Primer. I am currently in the search of trying to find a colour as near to the SJ red livery as possible. Although initially the plastic primer colour was way off, as its dried it appears to be obtaining a more of a red hue. As a trial I have sourced some other paints from the Railmatch and Vallijo ranges to see if there any alternatives available and/ or suitable.


Next steps are to form the roller axle boxes, end steps, clasp brake gear and rigging. Decals are currently being drawn up and once located…final paint and weathering.




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