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JMA hoppers again



This project though moving along painfully slowly, is moving again!blogentry-2819-127369534682_thumb.jpg

The wagons have had the blue and grey paint applied, this has been such a long time coming and although theres still a lot to do, its good to see them starting to look like JMA's.

I used precision paints national power blue and grey, but to fade it to the level that these wagons have appeared in for the last few years a lot of white paint was added. I decided this would be the easiest and hopefully the way to get the most convincing finish, rather than trying to apply a lot of washes for example. To get the grey looking about right i used 1 part grey to 2 parts rail white, i still think this could've been slightly lighter but i'm happy with it. The blue was thinned a similar amount but with standard white paint to give a brighter look.


I've been having another look at the bogies as well, while they are still based around the s-kits kit and aren't ideal i've re-done the brake gear to make it look a little better and i'm now happy with how they'll look when in a rake and rumbling round the layout, they prob won't stand up to close scrutiny, as this pic shows one of the dampers seems to to stop in mid-air and looks a bit odd!


The next stage is to look at applying the Fox transfers, with all the various bits to apply this'll take a while, ideally i need to find some good pics of these when running on the LBT-fiddlers ferry circuit to get an idea of different wagons as some had logos painted out and the fading was worse on some. Either before or after this i need to distress the upper bodysides mainly, where the blue has faded/vanished? to look white in places, also there are three vertical blue lines to add on some where they've been partially repainted?


Weathering can follow this, plus i need to add the uncoupling levers on the end of the bufferless wagons, re-fit the couplings, possibly put a load in them and they'll be done! theres a bit to do there and at the current rate it won't for a while yet, plus at some point i need to look at some suitable traction (60's :) )and that'll distract me a bit, it was one of the reasons i was keen on doing these wagons in the first place.

Hopefully i'll be updating a bit more frequently as i've a list of other stuff piling up on the workbench & i'm trying to get stuff finished before starting new stuff!




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Looking very very nice - I do like the bogies. Look farward to seeing them behind a class 60! cool.gif



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Looking good - the brake discs are a great detail and the paint job is very tidy. Like 43179 I look forward to seeing them running.

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Are you doing the first 20 for limestone traffic, originally for desulferization at drax or the later 100 for the coal traffic? If my memory serves me right, the different hopper bays are due to the limestone versions being shorter? Can anybody confirm this? Also, wouldn`t this also work for the arc versions, using a shorterned version?



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Hi thanks for the comments, been a bit slow getting back to this, its always nice to see people are reading it!

Cheesysmith, i won't be doing the wagons you mention (TOPS - JHA) the original wagons ordered for national power, these as you say they are shorter, with a different upper wagon profile, 1 less bay and unloading door and a few other bits, with the dimensions you may be able to cut and carve the HHA body to create this but i imagine it would be a fair bit of work, would be impressed to see it though, the bogies are the same at least!

The same could be said for the ARC JHA's which would appear from pictures to share a very similar body profile to the JMA's, there are several variants of these wagons though.

Getting back to your question i will be producing the later batch of wagons built for national power for coal traffic, which then moved to fiddlers ferry -lbt coal trains for a number of years, which is how i intend to model them.



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