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Finishing details on the Sentinel

James Hilton


I've been tinkering over the last few evenings on my Judith Edge Sentinel shunter.


I aquired some lead sheet from a friend and have filled both bonnets - running performance is vastly improved! I've also added the end handrails from 0.45mm wire - and the fiddly sand pipes on the chassis.


Eagle eyed viewers will note I've done a 'halfwit' (sorry Paul!) and got one ends handrails inconsistently bent - this has now been corrected (photos are always good at showing up defects). I've also got to fill some gaps in the join between the bonnet fuel tank and the cab - I was worried about soldering so close to the windows!


Once she's 'ready' I'll apply Maskol to the glazing and sent her to the paint shop to emerge in tatty faded MSC blue with wasp striping on the buffer beams and below the running board on each side :) Finishing touches will be the sand box covers, swords, Sentinel plates and window frames before adding Letraset numbering and an overhead warning flash.


Photos taken this evening in the garden - and as cruel close ups go they don't get much worse!

Questions and encouragement welcomed! As first kits go I'm pleased with what I've produced. I wish I could have done better in some areas - practice makes perfect. For my next kit I'm getting a new 25W iron as mine has been great but the tip is a little 'tired' and corroded! I'd also consider a better way to do press through the rivets - something I struggled with on this kit.











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'Done a halfwit' indeed! Just you wait.... laugh.gif

(Nice job by the way, I'm going to order one of these next week.)

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Thanks guys! Sorry Paul I couldn't resist - if I'm honest it was your Steelman Royale build that convinced me this was worth a try :)

I'm hoping to get some primer on her tonight :) I'm so excited about getting it painted!

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I mixed up some faded yellow (from the yellow and white railmatch enamels I used on the P4 Pacer project) and have sprayed the sides and buffer beams last night. I'll mask this off tonight and mix up a faded blue and spray the upper body.


Then I'll remove the Maskol, and the masking before masking up for the black wasp stripes :) :)

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Well she's now blue and yellow and I'm looking to fit the finishing touches and start the wasp stripes. I was worried about damaging the glazing when I removed the Maskol - in the end I only knocked out one glazing pane - which was literally a pain - it's not press fitted back in but will need a drop of superglue when I fit the frame edges.


I'm torn between adding the stripes with masking tape, or using a lining pen to do the edges! Decisions!

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