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Catching up

Ian Holmes


Not posted to this blog in the longest time so here's a quick update of the salient points of the past year.

The Layout continues to be well received at shows in fact I was interviewed on Saint Cloud, MN local radio with it at Easter as the layout is based on an industry there.

I've also been approached by folks who actually work at the prototype and have shared inside information with me that helps me to understand the models operation.

The layout received an invitation to the Worlds Greatest Hobby on tour show in Saint Paul, MN in November. So I'm sprucing the layout up. I've relaid the front siding as the uncoupler magnet was giving me some grief. I finished fixing the ballast yesterday. Today I treated myself to the ExactRail 50' waffle sided boxcar in Southern colour scheme. ExactRail are fantastic models.

That's it really plenty of other bits and bobs to keep you updated with between now and November. I may even (gasp) start some serious weathering....


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