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One week left (and I'm pushing my luck!)




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And here's my first bit of maths in the holidays wink.gif



Which made the bottom level of the castle.


Most of the quay walls have been fitted into place with decorators caulk used for the seabed and any gaps.


Paving has been added from scribed DAS clay.


The first waves have been roughly started.

The castle will have a layer of DAS modelling clay wrapped around it and scribed(!). Can you see the recurring theme here? Certainly not looking forward to scribing it as there's thousands of stones to do.

Well anyway, hope you have enjoyed the progress and with only 7 days left I best get a move on!


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Hi Jam,

The Castle is looking good (Much better than the original 'cake')

The gateway is very impressive :)

Good luck with getting it finished in time for the show and good luck at the show

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Hi Jam,

The Castle is looking good (Much better than the original 'cake')

The gateway is very impressive :)

Good luck with getting it finished in time for the show and good luck at the show

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Don,

Thanks - I agree about the original 'cake' though biggrin.gif

The gateway took about 1-2 hours with the gatehouse still unfinished but has taken about the same time so far.

Fingers crossed I will get it finished and then be able to enjoy the show.

Thank you for your continued support and I wish you well for the future smile.gif

Oh, and happy birthday!

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Wow! That is one heck of a lot of scribing, and even more to do! I think I'd've given up by now, but I do get easily distracted. Oooo shiny thing!


This really is a feascinating thread, and I'm enjoying seeing it develop as it covers a lot of my personal interests, and the idea is intriguing.


Keep up the good work and good luck with your scribing!



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks J,

I have to be honest and say that most of the scribing has been fun to do - however it can be a bit(!) tedious and scribing on curved walls is very time consuming as you've got to be so careful - especially marking out the horizontal courses. I am really glad you have enjoyed seeing it develop and hope you enjoy future updates! biggrin.gif


Speaking of which, I will aim to update the blog later on (usually about 8pm, server permitting) to show the scribing progress. I am tempted to scribe it when it is flat to save about 5 hours, but the trouble there is that the lines aren't as sharp and clear. Perhaps I will do only the horizontals whilst flat.


Thanks Will,

It is certainly a well known fact that a deadline will spur you on! smile.gif

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Good Luck at the show. I've been following the progress of the layout from the start and it will be great to see the finished article.

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With all that track infilling, I hope you're testing both the points and locos regularly!


I know it did work but ...


I had a similar 'call-out' yesterday; 009Matt had laid the track, motorised the points, tested everything then ballasted and painted the track; then two of the points stopped working! Conclusion - paint in the latching spring which holds the tie bar in place! Solution (as yet fully untested) remove the spring (worked fine with the original PM-1 point motor, but no latching spring) so replaced PM-1 with PM-4 with its own in-built spring. Still awaiting the result!


You may have a tight schedule, but you can not afford to rush!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks John. I have been testing it regularly although haven't done it tonight. Points have been masked where painting is going on so there is very little risk of any paint getting near them theoretically speaking.


The NG track needs a good clean before I can test it and any locos. I am trying to clean as I go along but there is always some that gets away.


I understand I cannot rush but I am being extremely careful - I've already learnt my lessons!


The SG infilling hasn't been touched yet although it has been glued down.


I will test it tomorrow when I have cleaned up a bit.



Tomorrow, the hardboard for the fascia, backscene and pelmet will be bought but won't be fitted until I've done the scenic work. The rest of the castle will be scribed and I may experiment with some spray paints.

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Thanks J,

I have to be honest and say that most of the scribing has been fun to do - however it can be a bit(!) tedious and scribing on curved walls is very time consuming as you've got to be so careful - especially marking out the horizontal courses.


Funny cake should be mentioned earlier - would using one of those revolving cake stands help with scribing out the horizontals?

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  • RMweb Gold

Hmm. Possibly. It's hard to tell because either way you've got to keep the pencil very steady. I might try it though because if there's a chance that it will speed things up...!

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