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The trees in the model are small, the real ones are far away......

Will J


Evening All,


spent a productive evening on the dining room table last night, enjoying 'Father Ted Night' and butchering some lumps of foam into scenic shapes. It was a good time to be doing it, as all of the Christmas decorations came down today, which would have called upon some extreme hoovering anyway, so a dusting of foam debris on the floor was not such an inconvenience!


The foam blocks help to put the 'monorail' track into some sort of context, as the pieces grew, the proportions of the scene started to work quite nicely.



The crumbly white foam was attached to the plasticky formica-ish surface of the box with 'GWS' foam friendly glue, designed for attaching foam RC model aeroplanes together, it worked very well, most importantly, not melting anything.



With the bits in place, attached firmly, surgery with a carving knife began...



Some handy festive accesories give a rough idea of how the trees will dominate the 'southern' end. Dougal looks on in perplexed awe....



Finally, for now, this morning saw the application of bandage and PVA to put a skin on the surface. This was also handy as it minimises little bits of foam debris from floating around as the post christmas tidying begins!



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This all looks good and solid. Like the concept of high but narrow. I bet you're popular with all that expanded foam about :lol:

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I was surprised how well the hoover coped! The foam debris was nothing compared to the pine needles... all came together well in defining exactly why it was a good day to do it, when questioned! ;)

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'When questioned'......?


I would have thought very bright lights, pliers and dental forceps would have figured!


(I once did it in the garden - the neighbours are still diggin up little styrene balls.. We dont - most of the garden is under paving slabs - very easy to brush clean!)


Looking good tho' Will.





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