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A poem

Sylvian Tennant


This made it's debut at a poetry event in Manchester...


The Goth Who Spots Trains

A heart betwixt by passions

The fire in the belly

Tendons of steel

A melancholy respite from life

Face painted monochrome

I sit between the demigods

Gresley & Murphy


Beneath the cliff side ruins

Watching alone amongst a reflective crowd

A distant snake weaves along the valley

The hiss, a spitting of hot vapour

It brings me home

And Stanier’s perfection dances to its tune


An occupied corner

The dark bask of the gathering

The peacocks dressed for the eve of hallows

Flaunting their feathers under ultraviolet rays

The like minded dismissing common concerns

Content and intoxicated


Into the throat the beast lunges

A downing spider

Glinting silver and oil speckled

The black monsters, the ferocious spectacle

It holds the crowd awed

A mechanical masterpiece


The Victorian gentleman stands patriarchal

His corset constricted wife at his side

Her stance sultry, a wistful smile

Twisted history

Products of the difference engine

Posing for sepia photograph with the seething leviathan

A skew too much, the fools


Standing on the farthest platform

A second gentleman

White haired, aged, experienced

Smiles knowingly

A smile returned

He is far from alone

And damn proud too


Her sad face

The last of her kind

Unable to weep for her executed sisters

The death warrant cast by fickle men

Loyalty repaid with the lick of a flame

Beautiful no more


The mutual bond of brothers

Our interested and lifestyles combined

Our betwixt hearted

Our raised eyebrows

Our smiles

And under our breaths


“Black Five, how Goth.â€





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Having had a traditional education and taken - for whats' it's worth - english literature, I wish something like this had been around to inspire, Nice piece.


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Thank you 46444


Yes Mike I completely agree with you there. Unfortunatly, I was not one to completely academic however, I will admit to having a very creative mind.

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Aww thank you :D I've wanted to set up a Gothic Rock band which wrote songs about trains :P


Dude. That. Would. Be. AWESOME

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