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Hythe Parkway - Post Abingdon

St. Simon




Well, as some of you know, Hythe Parkway was out at the Abingdon Show yesterday.


We had packed up Hythe at the club on Friday evening and got it along to Abingdon, in convoy with Graham_muz and his Fisherton Sarum. Generally, setting up and testing went well, up until we tried to test the extension, but the problem was finally tracked down to myself, putting in some wires in the wrong way! :fool_mini: But we left it running well and ready for the show ahead.


We got to the hall on Saturday morning along with our operators and a few visiting pieces of stock, well 4 in fact! They were a Class 171 in Southern livery, a A1 4-6-2 in British Railways apple green as 60163 'Tornado' (yes with it's boiler in place! ;) :P ), BR Standard 5MT 4-6-0 No. 73082 Camalot, all owned by Daniel Tipping and a BR Standard 4MT 4-6-0 No. 75065, owned by John Hipwell.


Anyway, back to the layout, after a quick test, we found that the layout was doing what it should be doing, so we went off and got a bacon butty. But when the doors opened at 10:00, we encounted a few problems, the new extension was shorting out and 2 points kept sticking. We found that Platform 3 had developed the same fault as at Churchrail last year, in that we could put trains in, but it would short out when we tried to get them out again. So the engineers where called and they unfortunaly, had to work on the line all day. The layout continued to run like a bag of bolts all morning, but settled down in the afternoon, but it still ran poorly.


We had some interests throughout the day, but there were several times when we had no-one looking at the layout for 5 minutes or so. Unfortunatly, we didn't have a single invite or enquiry about exhibitions. About half way through the day, as I operated the extension, I looked over to the fiddle yard to find 2 boys (punters), maybe 12 or 13, fiddling with my voyager without permisson, then went off, nobody had stopped them or questioned why they were there! I was extremely angry that they weren't controlled :angry: :angry: . But thank you to everyone who put up with our problems and made some complementy comments and hello to RMwebbers who came along and said hello!


But after the exhibition, the take down (or get out in my Tech crew terminology) went quickly with us on our way home within an hour of the show closing. But during that we manged to lift a section of track that leads to the turntable and I managed to drop the control panel! :fool_mini:


Overall, I wasn't happy with the way it performed and I'm looking into ways it can be fixed, more on that when it comes to light! Anyway, enough of me moaning , here's a few piccies:


Overall view of the layout before the show opened:





Ex-BR Standard 4MT 4-6-0 No. 75065 (owned by John Hipwell) stands at Hythe MPD duirng the SESR's gala to celebrate Marsh Distributions opening of it's Hythe Rail freight terminal:



The Photographer has spied the rear end of a famous vistor along side the SESR's T9 4-4-0 No. 30285, new build A1 4-6-2 No. 60163 'Tornado' (owned by Daniel Tipping):




Ex-BR Standard 5MT No. 73082 'Camolot' (owned by Daniel Tipping), visiting from the Bluebell Railway, comes to a stand at Platform 4 having brought a service train in from Dungeness:




Southern Class 171 'Turbostar' No. 171724 (owned by Daniel Tipping) stands at Platform 1 with a service to Hastings while Virgin class 220 'Voyager' No. 220035 'Grampain Voyager' stands at Platform 2 with a service to Birmingham New Street:




Newly built A1 4-6-2 No. 60163 'Tornado' (owned by Daniel Tipping) has caught the attention of some normal passengers as it stands 'on the blocks' at Platform 2 having brought a SESR service from Dungeness:



Having uncoupled from it's train, 'Tornado' (owned by Daniel Tipping) stops to allow the turntable to be aligned so it can be turned, coaled and watered. In the background is the SESR's L1 2-6-4T No. 67717:




Peppercorn A1 4-6-2 No. 60163 'Tornado' (owned by Daniel Tipping) is attached to it's stock ready to form the final service to Bigporth while the SESR's 2-BIL wait to form the final service to Dungeness:



Having brought in a service from Hastings, Southern Class 171, 171724 (owned by Daniel Tipping) gets ready to form the return service:




EWS Class 60 No. 60018 'Alexander Fleming' stands at Marsh Distributions Hythe Railfreight terminal, waiting for it's train of 'unkown load' from MoD Lydd.



Comments Welcome




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  • RMweb Gold

The layout looks fantastic! Just a shame the running was not as good as expected. I think part of it has to do with layout transportation and having the layout in a different atmosphere overnight.


I know the frustration of having things not working at exhibitions and of children touching the stock and layout. I once had a boy pick up something from my fiddle yard! I think the problem is that they know they can gt away with it, particularly with us younger modellers.


Anyway, I hope you are able to sort out the problems.

I hope one day I will be able to see Hythe Parkway in the flesh!




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Thanks Jam, it was frustationg because we had it running nicely, up until the doors opened!


Yes, it was by no means the worst case, Graham_muz has had a child grab his turntable on his layout and turn it by hand, wrecking the gears and motor! Half of it is the child and half the parent not being able to control their child!


Yeah, so do I! Thank you



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Hi Simon -


Adding to the comment above - did you notice much of a temperature difference between the venue & where the layout is normally based? Co-efficients of expansion can play havoc with some connections!


With regard to little fingers - a big notice in BIG BLACK LETTERS on a yellow background - 'danger - '12 thousand millivolts' - usually has the uninitiated parent pulling their nearest & dearest brats to a safe distance!





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Little fingers - my friend Jas Millham, who exhibits in 3mm and S, has, or used to have, a large cardboard tombstone with an inscription something like "Here lies the last little perisher who messed with my trains". Unfortunately this generated some complaints - in fact wasn't there a thread on RMWeb about it? -which is a shame as most people with half a grain of sense can see the funny side of it.


From the pics I have seen Hythe Parkway looks good. The concept as you described it in the Modeller is interesting and has the merit of being different. There is too much 'same old, same old' on the circuit and you deserve credit for thinking outside the box. I was fully intending to come to Abingdon but at the last minute I had to attend to something else and didn't make it as a result. I'm sure that you and your friends will be able to find out why it ran like as bag of bolts and put things right for next time. I'm also sure that there will be a next time and that you will tell your friends on RMWeb when and where it is!



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Ian, it was about the same temperature in the hall as it is where it is stored. It did run up nicely until tthe doors of show opened! But it did get warmer during the day, but not as warm as the center of the hall.


The thing was that it was fiddle yard which was far away from any public right of way and not where the public was standing, the little plighters just walked around the back of the exhibitors to a place they weren't meant to be.


Chris, that's actually quite good! I remember the thread well!. Yeah, we thought about why it ran like it did and we've concluded that it is the wiring that was causing faults. So a possible complete re-wire is on the cards.


The next show is Reading on the 17th and 18th September, hope to see some people there!



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