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Bristol Barrow Road Update



For those of you who might be wondering about the lack of any post for the past couple of weeks the answer is I am on an enforced break from modelling due to the need to redecorate two rooms in the house :angry:


It's not all decorating as I have found some time to investigate how I am going to make replacements for the mdf roof trusses as supplied by York modelmaking, not that there is anything wrong with their laser cut items, it's just that I have decided the roof will need to be removable in order to access locos and the shed interior for any future repair work.


Becase of the 'strength' requirement I have decided to form the roof trusses from various pieces of brass section and rod and am awaiting delivery of an order from Metalsmith Ltd of Telford. I have also ordered some 'T' section brass from them to form the top and bottom of the distinctive girders which form the main roof supports.


As there are 39 roof trusses in the roundhouse alone the first thing I will need to make is a template to solder all the brasswork together in an accurate an consistent manner.


I have been added as an author on the new Showcase site - I am honoured - and may decide to post the next phase of the build there. I'm undecided at the moment.


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Ah, the decorating enforced break - yup... I'm there too... don't you just love the smell of emulsion in the evening :P

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It's the wallpaper glue that gets on your hands when you pick up the strips steamed off the wall that I like :rolleyes:

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Robin, I think it must be that time of year, Steph came home with a colour chart yesterday. Can't think what all the fuss is about, the paintwork looks alright to me!sad.gif



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I went home with a selection of Dulux colour cards yesterday. Trying to find a match for BR maroon is a devil of a job....:) but at least the floor tiling in the hallway is nearly finished.

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