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Hand building T (aka NN15) trackwork

Etched Pixels


For the bridge and valley at the left hand end of the new layout I've been pondering what to use for the narrow gauge line I fancied running over it. Z is a possibility and the little known remainder of the 3' Cornish mineral railways but another obvious option is to lay something in NN15 (or NN18 to be exact). Unfortunately the out of the box T scale track isn't really suitable for narrow gauge so it was time to try the obvious plan B


NN15 track - the soldered way. This is with code 40 flat bottom rail - really I need to find something lower, but I also need to build the proper trackwork in steel anyway because the T gauge stuff relies on magnetism to make the physics work.


The other reason to do this is that T gauge switches are not very good and mostly plastic causing a lot of stalls, so I'll need a couple of T electrofrog switches to pull it off... (oh boy....!)




The medium sized controller (in N) surveys his options


Recommended Comments

Now THAT'S a microlayout of a micro-layout (Stourbridge Town)

You've even got a pub in there :)


If you can't find shrunken rail, Eileen's (usual "nowt but a satisfied customer" malarkey) do nickel strip in varying widths....





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nickel is non-magnetic - needs to be steel otherwise the wheels don't grip and the locos don't go anywhere(and really not stainless either as thats a complete PITA to solder)

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Just use rod. Flatten the top a little once soldered up. There was some narrow gauge on show at the 2mm Expo last year with track done like this and you had to look hard and close to spot it.

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