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Little and large



Some more steady progress on both the large and small scales.


We are nearly there with finally fixing the whole centre section together. John has been clamping, adjusting etc and also doing a bit of cladding and preliminary painting of brickwork on the arch sides. The curved brickwork etches have also gone on, with some use of Evergreen strip (there's going to be a lot of this) to represent some of the 'beading' detail.










Next will be the cladding of the underside of the arches before final fixing and gluing. The lengths of studding used to adjust everything will be left in and can be used as electrical droppers from the track down through the structure.


Meanwhile I've been looking at mocking up one of the pavilions. Four different materials here so far - basswood, MDF, Rowmark and more conventional plastic card (well slabs, really). Before final gluing up, there will be a bit of sanding and filing to do, and the tops of the columns will be disguised by a representation of the decorative beading using Evergreen angle with square section strip inset. The roof will use Slaters large tiles, all four sides converging to a point rather than a ridge. I'll probably use a couple of triangular formers underneath to support them in construction.






The exposed 'joists' on the original (very characteristic) will use short lengths of Evergreen 2mm square strip - I'm glad I invested in a NWSL Chopper!


There is also the decorative brickwork around the tops of the piers to think about:




This will be done mostly with various Evergreen strips and Slaters brickwork, with the current design looking like this:




I'll probably prepare long strips of the whole decorative assembly before mitre cutting and attachment to the piers in one go. The upper concave brickwork section might be achievable by 'pushing' a 3-course strip of Slaters brick into the Evergreen angle - or we might use a filler of some kind and scribe the brickwork along that section.

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Will all these be the same dimensions ? If so have you thought it may be worth taking extra time to make one quality item and then poly cast the rest from the original ?


Gladly have a try if you send the dimensions



Mark ;)


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