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Heljan Lion



Took delivery of 'Lion' this week. Ran well on analogue but after fitting a Hornby decoder

things started to go wrong! The lights were reluctant to show at first then when they came on the first time the direction was changed, there was a blue flash from the decoder and a smell of burning---dead decoder!! Thinking faulty decoder I tried a Bachmann unit---two dead decoders, It is now going back for exchange at a cost of two decoders to myself!

Anyone had same problem? or is it just me?


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Since you're asking a question, I wonder if a blog is the best medium for this. Wouldn't you be better posting to the ongoing Lion topic in the main forum?

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Thanks,first time user, will get use to where I am suppose to put my comments!

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I don't have a Heljan Lion , but their 47s in particular have a reputation for drawing large amounts of current and the Hornby decoder isn't rated to stand more than 0.5A on a sustained basis.


That doesn't explain a dead Bachmann decoder though

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New lion arrived,Bachmann decoder fitted and every thing is good.Loco runs well and lights work as intended.

Thanks for comments to a new user.

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