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Deltic photoplank update (Napier Lane sidings?)




A while ago I posted an entry covering my attempts at knocking together a short photo plank upon which to pose my Deltics. This has served its purpose, but with the opportunity to exhibit these publicly looming, I felt that the display really ought to have a bit of a backdrop against which the locos could be viewed. The shelf that the board sits on is quite limited in height (95cm), and whilst this limits dust gathering, it also limits the height of any attached backscene. I opted for a brick wall, constructed from Metcalf red brick card… which I acquired from a local model shop; next time, I’ll try some scalescenes stuff (greater range of colours) or maybe some textured material… but here I was seeking inspiration… found the card in the shop and gave it a go; it was a learning exercise and some lessons have been learnt. The card was stuck to a suitably sized length of MDF (left over floor laminate), screwed to the photo plank base… allowing removal as required. Card spray mount affixed to laminate.


I wasn’t too happy with the colour of the wall… surprise surprise, it was very red! The alternative was the engineer’s blue and I felt that too blue! Once the card (with supporting walls) was constructed, I set about toning it back using charcoal and weathering powders… applied and blended using cotton bud and finger tip (all of which ended up looking as dirty as the wall at the end of the process!). For the capping stones… after some head scratching, I sprayed some balsa section with Halfords red primer and then intented this along the top surface and one face at 1cm intervals with a sharp blade (Swann Morton 10A). Black enamel was applied to the “gaps†and then it was all blended in with more very thin black… leaving more pain in the gaps and generally toning everything down. Plasticard strips capped the supporting walls (painted a suitable dirty brown) and the balsa strip glued to the wall top. OK… so it’s not as good as most… but as a first go before working out what bits I should really be using… it will do for now. I really need to fill the gap between the ballast edge and wall; I will either extend the ballast, add a path and/or some ground scatter and bushes (woodland scenics stuff)… I thought the bushes would add some colour but I’m not convinced that this would be too prototypically accurate… so maybe some artistic license will be applied :D


It’s been nice to break into this, to have a break from the Deltic conversion... to try and see how to achieve a reasonable result given that I’d not tried before; this hobby really is quite entertaining with a plethora of skills to acquire and master.


I really ought to find a name for this plank; given the local locos… Napier Lane Sidings sprung to mind, but may be as little obvious… any thought?



A "view over the fence" type shot... and it's begining to look ok.


After some discussion... then men decide that cleaning the locos can wait for another day... there'll be no specials called for today.


Once this is done to a reasonable stage, or to a standard that will be “exhibitable†for the Burgess Hill Model Railway show (May 14th), it’ll be back to my current Deltic project… (I’ve had a bit of a break with other stuff to do including decorating) but it’s really time to starting hacking the fuel tank off the chassis and making space to fit the pipework. Must get in touch with Brian and see if he’s reposted his ref photos elsewhere (previously on fotopic and currently missed).

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Top notch weathering both on the loco's and trackwork.


A good trial exercise for the back drop.


My own personal preference is for embossed materials in scales from 4mm upwards but you have achieved excellent results none the less Jon.


Always been a fan of the Deltics, inherited from my father who worked fro EE.

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Excellent weathering on locos and track there. perhaps just a smidge of matt and fade on the fitters though !!!


Great stuff indeed

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jon





That looks great. Shows off your excellent Deltics well.

The weathering and extra details make all the difference. Perhaps some cables running along the wall near ground?



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jon,


Fantastic stuff...this has turned out very well indeed.


One could only suggest some graffiti on the wall perhaps to add to the cables already suggested - but even if it remains as this, it still holds its own.


Nice work - look forward to see it live on the 14th (Come on Stoke City this weekend ;))



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Thanks to all for you comments and suggestions. The thoughts on wires etc have crossed my mind and I may squeeze some in. I picked up some cinders ballast today and plan to use some of this up to the wall... and add more in amongst the tracks. I'll possibly add a few paving slabs first between the track and wall and then dirty these down.

I'll add some more comments when I'm not so tired... absolutely exhausted tonight.

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  • RMweb Gold

Amazing locos Jon, real works of art each one of them, but together against the walling they look fantastic. I can almost smell them! Some very nice photography too. Agree with Phil that toning down/shading the figures a bit would blend them in completely.

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Iain, thanks for the comments; you’re right, embossed material would be better, but as a quick and dirty trial, I thought I’d give this card a go. At a distance, I think it’s ok... but yes, embossed next time. I think we should all be a fan of Deltics, but I know that there are those who aren’t... there’s no accounting for taste ;)

James, yes it was a nice distraction from working the details of my other project... the weathering was fun too... and I’ll post a photo or two when I get a chance.


Killybegs, thanks. I’m quite pleased with them.


Phil, thanks.. yes the “men” need some work. I plan to repaint them in 1970s garb – shorter orange vests and a darker blue to the overalls... suitably dirtied down. That’s the plan anyway. It’s on the list.


Chris, I did wonder about adding some cables, but have now plumped for leaving them off. Ballast now extended to back wall (with some paving slabs added) and weathered. It’ll do. Cables would be good if starting from scratch to take some under the tracks... but didn’t want to disturb too much ballast. So this will do for the first exhibition in a few weeks.


Pete, I didn’t go for the graffiti option – couldn’t find any suitable photos dating from the 1970s.. not sure “youfs” were that ambitious at the time – the police “clip around the ear” would quickly sort that out.... too pc today. Added some limescale staining to the walls to break them up a bit. Photos to be posted.


Mikkel, Again, thanks. Yes, figures are to be “done”... not to your standard of course, but your work is very inspirational.. but I’ll probably leave the moustaches off ;)


Peter, One word that means a lot... thanks!B)


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