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My first building in 'N'...



My first 'N' gauge building, picked up for £2.50 at a flea fair a couple of weeks ago. I had no specific need for it, but at that price I thought it was worth it for the practice of building in this scale - fully expecting to make a hash of it.







Painted again using Games Workshop / Citadel paints. This time I started from a white undercoat, and used thin washes to build up the colour, using a picture from flikr for inspiration. Its probably far from prototypical, and I chickened out of adding the veranda around the front, but I am still happy with how it turned out. the cruel close ups also show the glazing isn't exactly perfect! The wonky steps are the result of them not being glued to limit the chances of breakages, rather than too many beers, I promise...


Some valuable lessons learnt, and more importantly my confidence increased, and most importantly of all - a fun few hours work!

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Interesting that you said you used Games Workshop/Citadel paints. I've noticed a few people on here saying they've used them. Are you into GW too? I link Ultramarines from the Warhammer 40k universe. I don't play, just model. They Citadel paints are fantastic for washes, layers and highlights so I've always found it a little surprising that there isn't more discussion of those techniques in the railway modelling world?


And it's great trying to decide if one should use Bestial or Bubonic Brown as a match for Sleeper Grime ;)


Nice work on the signal box BTW!

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For sleeper grime, I'd try mixing graveyard earth with chaos black. Bubonic is a bit orange and bestial a bit, well, brown. The foundation paints are all really good weathering shades as they are a bit more subdued than the standard line.


There are a couple of photos on my Flikr of some GW stuff I've done - http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonas_415/sets/72157627421174760/

- I have big Ork and Imperial Guard armies, and run a club at the library I work at for 8-16 year olds.


Cheers for your comment!

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