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The "Unnamed" state of play.



Since I already started building the boards and wiring etc, I guess I might as well say where we are. ( photos to follow)

Currently the aim is to have a portable layout ( due to other requirements) that can shift houses every 6-24 months. As a result its been built in moveable sections of approx 60 x 90 cm with MDF Boards and structural pine sides painted and sealed with 50 cent tins of bunnings paint. First major lesson I have learnt is dont make boards out of structural pine. They weigh a ton. From now on I think I will make boards out of light ply and MDF.


Boards are joined by 0.8mm bolts and use DCC concepts locating dowels to mate the boards together in the right spot. Second lesson for the day. Use the big countersink for the rim first , before using the small countersink for the dowel stock. Well at least i got it all correct on the second try. I really like the dowels. (they were used on groggley and a few other layouts I have seen)


So now I have a table that sits on pony's and can be pulled apart and moved around the house.


Preety standard stuff eh?


Onto the track plan.

At the moment, I have limited space to build etc, so the plan is to have continual versitility as we move through houses. At the moment the plan is open ended at both ends so that more boards can be constructed and attached to the layout.

What has been decided is for the current layout to consist of a nice sweeping bend with a run around loop. Coming off of the run around loop are a couple of spurs that will form local goods industries and ( now that i think of it) more than likely have a small mixed goods platform and possibly shed sitting between the two.


On the other side of the run around loop is a small chasm cut into the MDF and Pine supports ( thanks to my supporting partner). This is where a river and bridge will go to provide a bit of depth to the layout. Further board sections I think will be done with elevated track to make terrain easier. insulation foam will become the structural basis for the scenery. covered in possibly a plaster cloth for strength and with building oxides mixed into plaster should create a nice pre ground cover for grasses and other cool stuff to go onto.


Track is laid on foam road bed. Also found at bunnings in 25 meter rolls. Simply glue it on with glue ( i used PVA, will experiment with other types that are out there ) place track, and then using a dremel tool you can bevel a bank next to the track. Its a bit thicker than woodland scenics track underlay. However I figure that with plaster and other scenery added to the board, the extra depth will (a) soon dissapear, and (B) form a gutter next to the track where the water would drain away from the ballast. Will see how it all goes. The biggest concirn will be the instilation of the point motors when we get there. As from bottom of board to top of track underlay, there will be around 20 mills gap.

Let the experiment begin.....


Next chance i get to take some photos. Ill place them up here.





While its side ways ( any one know how to rotate photos on here?) this is a brief over view of where the layout is at.






And here is a a concept of the layout. Its primary function is to serve as a shunting layout for a J52 tank while other sections are built. The tracks at the edge will likely be connected to sector plates or cassets until more boards are added.

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BTW, I titled this blog the "unnamed" state of play as the layout doesnt have a name yet ( or a region ) anyone got any ideas?:drinks:

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