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MORE very small layout progress

Turin 60


As promised I have all being well, attached a photograph and a scan of the New Small Layout (hereafter referred to as NSL, at least until I come up with a name for it!) , hopefully these will remove any doubt or fuzziness from the issue and prove that I do know what I am talking about.

Since last night the walls for the derelict chapel have been glued together so for the purpose of the picture you can finally grasp where it's going to be sited. It will sit on a level site with a small retaining wall to the road and a set of access steps at the "downhill" end adjacent to the shop, there will then be timber baulks propping it up to try and encourage it not to fall down.

The two objects between the sidings and the foam hill are a pair of kilns, both redundant with one still open while the the other will have a small shed appended to the front of it.


Enjoy, hope it makes sense.




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Hello John


A nice simple track plan and plenty of buildings - very nice! Looking forward to seeing it finished for Pewsey!!!



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Thanks for that David, you do realise that I won't be held responsible for any fatalities caused by the prolonged holding of breath!!



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