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Here is a photograph showing a tad more progress, mainly in the station buildings dept.




I have had a stab at the small booking office/hut which stood at the end of the platform by the road. Again I have photographs of 3 sides of it, but have adlibbed the aspect at the rear facing the goods shed. The latter you may notice I have given a rear entrance/loading area. I am not sure at all that this existed, but decided that it would add a bit of extra interest! :blush_mini:


The lavatory block now has a few fire buckets outside it, made from whitemetal milk churns which are awaiting wire handles, which you can't see in this view.

The painting of the front of this block is really not very good and will be revisited sooner rather thsn later. I need some new brushes!


There are two buildings left to model plus the level crossing gates, which I'm not intending to be working.

The main and most challenging of these remaining buildings is of course the station cottage, which was an unusual irregular hexagon in shape. The other is just a workman's hut or possibly an enclosed groundframe - I'm awaiting information on this, as I am the other building by the entrance to the goods yard. I have books on order and also a post on a local forum to see if I can gather information from there.


I managed to aquire a free offcut of flexiply for the backscene, but it seems a tad thick for my purpose - it is 3/8" rather than a 1/4".

It does not flex tightly enough in the corners for my needs!

May try Pete's idea with card, though it never seems permanent enough as a material somehow.


A couple more views featuring the new cottage, lacking some detailing as yet:









Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Some nice work Chris. I hadn't thought of making buckets from milk curns. Regarding the level crossing, in early days the gates were often left shut against the road as there was little road traffic in many cases. Later it became normal to shut against the trains because there were less trains than road traffic. Unless its a major road it would probably be normal to keep it shut against the road. Especially as our model horses are rather slow.


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I think that Pete was advocating the use of artists card or mounting board. The latter is quite substantial, but certainly flexible (within reason). I think it's around £3 a sheet in our local craft/art shop so a minimal investment if you find out it doesn't work.


Definitely seeing some good progress on here. Keep it up. good_mini.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Chris, hi


As Rich says, mounting board. Its a lot thicker and probably bendable if you scribe the back etc etc. The advantage is, if it does get damaged its fairly cheap to replace it.


Nice work by the way...it's really coming together now.

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I think that Pete was advocating the use of artists card or mounting board. The latter is quite substantial, but certainly flexible (within reason). I think it's around £3 a sheet in our local craft/art shop so a minimal investment if you find out it doesn't work.Definitely seeing some good progress on here. Keep it up. good_mini.gif


Yes I assumed that too, Rich.

Card has a tendency to warp though in my experience, especially when stored over a long period.

How do you stop that?

What other materials could be used? Perspex for instance? I was thinking the two short end sections could be whacked in the oven and then curved around a former, then welded to a central straight length.

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Chris, hiAs Rich says, mounting board. Its a lot thicker and probably bendable if you scribe the back etc etc. The advantage is, if it does get damaged its fairly cheap to replace it.Nice work by the way...it's really coming together now.



Thannks Pete :pleasantry:

As always its a step forward and a shuffle backwards or sideways, but hey, thats the fun of it isn't it?

I think its important to work on several aspects concurrenty, because if one aspect is not working, ( that 1F!) there is another that is coming aong nicely.

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Some nice work Chris. I hadn't thought of making buckets from milk curns. Regarding the level crossing, in early days the gates were often left shut against the road as there was little road traffic in many cases. Later it became normal to shut against the trains because there were less trains than road traffic. Unless its a major road it would probably be normal to keep it shut against the road. Especially as our model horses are rather slow.Don



Well, Don, I must admit that I thought I had bought some fire buckets a while back but a search could not uncover them, so I was forced to improvise. Actually the bottom section of the Langley ones have worked quite well.

I'm not sure I'd get away with that in 7mm though!

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