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July 2011: What's been going on My Layout during July 2011!



Hi Everyone,

Here is the July Update for my layout. July was set to be quite a busy month on My Layout with the arrival of the Hornby Special Edition of Tornado and plans for a postal branch line.


Early July 2011:

Not much change to do with track work but their was two new arrivals to do with locomotives. The Biggest Arrival was the Hornby Special Edition of newly Built A1 'Tornado' I thought Hornby had produced a great model Evan though alot of people seemed a bit disappointed with the model. The Second Arrival came three days after Tornado and it was the Limited Edition Model of the GWR class 101 to celebrate 175 years (Now 176 years) of GWR. This also proved to be a good model for shunting although it does have scale speeds of 300-400 MPH!


Mid July 2011:

In the middle of July 2011 I decided to draw up plans for all of my sidings, this did not take too long though. Other than that the only other thing that happened was plans for a Postal Branch line Came into our minds.


Late July 2011:

In the Back end of July the plans for the postal branch line were drawn up and a bit of the track was laid. We also came up with plans for another goods yard, this one was to be hid behind the tunnel! The Postal branch line and the hidden goods yard were to be Acsesed via the turn table and the one line was split into to two lines with a curved point.

In The very last days of July we came up with plans for a forest in the middle of the board with a small stream running through it which will flow into a tunnel and disappear under the main goods yard.


So that's it for the July Update and I will type up the August Update soon,


Jacob smile.gif


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