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If that's bird poo, I'd hate to meet the bird!

Will Vale



Hirschsprung retaining wall by Will Vale, on Flickr


I think it's salt deposits from water running down the face of the retaining wall. If it was a bird it must have been a legendary beast.


As you can see the retaining wall is painted up now - I used a similar method to the tunnel in the last post, although without the pink tones. After doing the basic drybrushing I added a 'mortar' mix of MIG Concrete with a little Industrial City Dirt, made into a heavy wash with their pigment fixer. After waiting a few minutes I wiped much it off again, but because I hadn't let the underlying paint harden properly I took off some of the drybrushing in the process. C'est la vie...


It did dry up nicely in the recesses though, and because it's pigment powder the finish is nice and flat and dusty-looking. After a few hours I re-did the drybrushing (brown, light grey, concrete colour) and touched in a few stones with dark brown where I thought there was too much pale pigment on the surface.


Then the fun began - with a small brush I painted in the water damage with thinned concrete colour, neat and thinned white, and a little Games Workshop Flesh Wash, which is a sort of chestnut-brown translucent inky thing. After looking at a close up picture I thought it was a bit brush-strokey so I went back with a very fine brush and added the narrowest streaks I could.


It's not exactly like the prototype (I should have more of a gap on the right, for one thing) but it's close enough to be suggestive of it, so I'm pretty pleased.





When it's all *very* dry I'm intending to reduce the contrast somewhat with either a thin brown wash, dry pigments, or both. I'd also like to add some of the old wide streaking with pigments or drybrushing, and maybe paint out some of the existing streaking where I got carried away if it still looks excessive.


All in all this has been a very entertaining sub-project - it's always interesting when the tiny brushes come out! I will try and make sure my next post has no tunnels in it though :D

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I think that's very effective again Will - it's incredible the focus this deadline has given you on this project. Wonderful to see it come to life :)

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Guest oldlugger


Possibly a flying cow, Will?


Very nice model by the way...




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focus this deadline has given you on this project.

Deadlines are wonderful, terrible things. I'm not much good without them, but I end up so tired after that I want to give up modelling until the next deadline looms.


A cow with wings! A flying cow!

(I'd never seen one up 'til now.)

"Oh Daisy dear, can this be true?"

She flapped her wings, and up she flew.

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