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Back to square one - nearly.



I manage to straighten out the slide bar / motion plate etch and the whitemetal piston rods, I drilled the holes in the crossheads for the 12BA bolts and was hoping to get the chassis / wheels/ motion assembled. On close inspection of the chassis though it was obvious that the paintwork was flaking away, it has been applied without any sort of primer, so I decided to disassemble the chassis and strip the paint. I'm glad I did as it became also obvious that the paint was literally holding some of the bits together, not least the wheel bearings which fell out in the Nitromoors! I shudder to think what I'll find if I give the body the same treatment, but I think that that is the route I shall be following. So basically I think that far from having a part built kit that I can spend a few hours on to have a running loco I shall be starting it almost from scratch. Never mind you live and learn. One thing I will say - I was staggered to find that this kit costs ??200, to be fair that's complete with everything (I think), it still seems an awful lot of money for what's in the box.


I'm enjoying writing this blog, it certainly seems to be having the desired effect of keeping me interested in finishing something.Also despite me saying that it was basically just for me, I am grateful to those who do bother to look and especially to those who have left comments.


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There's a lot to be said about writing about the progress of something to keep you interested in it. I only wish it was having the same effect on me!

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Maybe the kit was built with glue rather than soldered - some folk do such mad things :D

If that is the case expect a lot more to fall off when the body is dipped (don't forget to strain the contents of the tray)


There is something that I don't understand about the prices of kits. I expect to pay more for 7mm than 4mm - there is more brass and more detail (in theory at least) Yet you can pay many ??100s for a 7mm kit compared to 4mm and still get less parts. Also it seems to bear no resemblance to the age and quality of the kit. I would expect a modern CAD produced kit where everything fits without extra work to be more expensive than an old kit first issued in the 80's that requires effort to build. Again not the case.


it sounds like you have taken on more work than it was worth with this one - but see it through as it will be worth the satisfaction.

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