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PhilH last won the day on August 30 2012

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    Edgeend in Amsher

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  1. I watched the launch YouTube video on a 65” tv and was amazed at the level of detail achieved. I haven’t bought a UK outline model for 5 years or more but I can definitely feel the wallet locks starting to ease. It looks pretty darn good to my eye. edit. I would recommend watching this video, the amount of permutations promised is huge.
  2. 'm glad you have found at least one, I do feel sure there are more hidden out there somewhere. Just one thing, if the file is scaled at 1/48 to print at 1/76 it has to be printed at 63.2%. Printing 1/48 at 195% would make it approx 1/25 scale.I'm sorry to remind you of this but the bigger the scale number the smaller the model. edit Here is a handy scale conversion chart which gives you percentages to apply when converting from one sale to another. The scale from is the left hand column, the scale to is in the table. http://www.wwi-models.org/misc/scalecon.html
  3. With regard to Ww1 era lorries there are on the internet, either free or small cost, .stl files for printing quite a diverse range of these items. Once you have downloaded these files you can print as many as you like for pennies. You can also rescale them up or down in the slicer with no degradation in quality, the file is the file no matter what scale. Or, of course, if you are a cad whizz then the world really is your oyster. Of course you will need a resin printer or make friends with someone who has one. 3d printing at home really has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for modelling so the first option would be best.
  4. Sorry for the delay in replying, life and all that. I managed a trial piece by firstly drawing the frame then basically slightly sinking separate planks into it. I think my next step might be to try and draw a whole side using this method, it's time consuming but it did seem to work. Thank you for the replies.
  5. I'm currently deep in the rabbit hole of the WDLR, the WW1 'trench railway'. I have printed quite a few examples of stock for this in 1/35 for possible static diorama from available files on Thingiverse. However I now find that my interest has broadened and would like to now print other items of stock from the WDLR just because I can. This will involve me trying to design these examples, however there is a drawback as my cad skills are virtually non existent, my brain just doesn't seem to be wired to learn the more advanced programs that are available. So I am limited to simple designs in Tinkercad which for some reason I find relatively intuitive. Although I know my ambition outstrips my capabilities I would like to know if there is any way I can replicate the sides shown in the example drawing on Tinkercad, basically planks nailed together somehow. I know I can replicate some sort of plank but would like to join them as a side but replicate the joins and still have it hang together. Inside cross joists? I just don't know. Any replies are much appreciated. edit: does the answer lie in the drawing, will the 'v' joists hold them together?
  6. Thanks for the replies. I did as suggested in the first reply and basically left a print which included fairly long flat pieces overnight to dry (I too have an old airbrush and compressor which I use to start the drying process) then cured it. At the moment it seems to be as flat as a pancake so we shall see.
  7. Wow, this has got to be the mother of all thread drifts...
  8. As the title can anybody help with the dimensions of these WW1 wagons please? I've 3d printed one (it's for a possible 1/35 static diorama) using a scaled up file from Thingiverse but it seems huge. I've double checked my calculations against the file, they seem ok but would like to check against original dimensions if possible. I've hunted high and low on the internet but can't seem to find the information I'm after. As always any help in this is much appreciated.
  9. As the title suggest every now and then I get warping in my resin prints. Although I can post print mainly straighten it using a heat gun I was wondering if there's a magic cure to stop it, or is it simply an unwanted product of the process of 3-D resin printing. I exclusively use ABS like resin as in most cases I quite like the slight flexibility it gives, but is this a double edge sword inasmuch it can contribute to the warping?
  10. Some 1/35 scale WDLR rolling stock, a Simplex 20 hp and a Crewe tractor I recently printed. These are for a (rather large) possible diorama but if it doesn't materialise I'm enjoying printing them anyway. Some warping is evident on the type C bogies, I forgot to give them the heat gun treatment before I took the photos. They say every day is a school day, one thing I'm learning is that I have to take much more care in removing support attachment points to avoid print acne!
  11. My daughter has the simplest, yet most sensible answer...'just be kind'. Seems to work in most situations.
  12. My current rabbit hole is 3-D printing bits for a WDLR (WW1 trench railway) railway diorama. It's a longshot but does anybody know of a copy of the above book by Roy C Link available anywhere. I am aware of copies available at a price way beyond my budget, I am prepared to pay a reasonably realistic price for a copy but have to balance my wish for a copy against the reality of my bank balance.
  13. I live in an area of extremely high growth not matched by provision of medical facilities. To get an appointment at one of the two doctors surgeries serving this area you first have to do an econsult. You are then advised by text within two days whether you should book an appointment or not, either same day for more urgent cases or routine for the more normal stuff. Note, you are not given an appointment you are given permission to ring up to try and book one. You cannot book a routine appointment without having done an econsult. Routine appointments are only released at 11am on a Wednesday for the week ahead. Additionally you are allowed to ring up on Thursday at 4pm to see if there are any cancellations or such. As I said earlier you can only ring for an appointment if you have an econsult on record. I enclose an image of my attempts today to get through to my surgery starting at 10.58 am today. The number next to the phone number is the number of attempts I made before I gave up. Mostly I could not even get through, a recorded message telling me that the phone lines were full. This is the reality of trying to get to see a doctor round here in the 21st century.
  14. It doesn't really matter for the purposes of this thread. Facts and knowledge in a lot of cases seem to take second place to the I presume, I think that, maybe, it could be ,should have and would have type of posts that abound. I'm no apologist for West Coast, but having worked with them in the past I'm not a hater either. I just think that a fair few of the posts on here go way past objectivity. One thought did occur to me.... for all of those who worry about falling out of slam door stock I would assume you don't drive a car or cross the road where you are thousands of times more likely to be injured or killed. As I say just a thought...
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