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Cattle Dock Pt 2; New brass crossing gates and finished station platform





Christmas and hence a little rec leave is in order. Doublely appreciated given the last 7-8 weeks have been work 7 days a week. Anycase today has resulted in some spare time to do some modelling and thankfully some blogging for once as well. So here goes.


First off the bat is the completed cattle dock, Last time this was blogged I was in the beginning of the brass construction stage. This has now been completed, marking the last steps of the construction process. The dock is split into two allowing cattle to be seperated and transported to different locations / provide flexibility in loading/unloading. Of note is the working gates at the end of the ramp. These were built just to test and drive my soldering capabilitys further.




Next has been a project that has been in the wings for the last week and a half. Following the thrill obtained from working with brass I wanted something to follow it up with. Crossing gates provided the ideal answer.




This is the gates at the end of their raw stage. Probably the hardest and longest part was building the braces that would join the wooden posts together. (the little black brackets in later pictures). The other learning point is that its almost impossible to get a reliable and strong but joint with thin brass wire. The later two gates conctructed had the supporting wire going to the main post drilled in.




This picture is a comparrison of the completed product and the gates primed using a grey automotive primer.


Finally, we have a picture of the completed gates mounted in position. Im still considering whether some bridal mesh should be put across the backs of the gates. This would look like chain mesh which looks very good. However im not sure that super glue will not ruin the finish of the gates.






The other step will be to weather the items, however this will be done at the end. By weathering at the end, uniform weathering can be applied across the entire board.


The last item in the title marks the completion of the card lineside structures.

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Everything looking very good! The brass gates are delicious, almost a pity to paint them. I agree that the bridal mesh might foul up the very detailed look.


I really like the look of the slightly hollow/cavernous road. Modern day drivers wouldn't be happy to drive on something like that!

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Its actually a lot flatter than it seems, although there is a small pot hole down the end near the gates? perhaps time to practice 1:76 scale road repairs? I am quite happy that I have captured that rural feel in that small section of the layout. Hopefully I can repeat it else where. The lane on the other side of the tracks would be even worse for drivers. would not want to be a car facing an oncoming truck its so narrow.


For the time being ill leave it so the gates are removeable and sit on the mesh theory. Problem with the gates is that they are so open in space small animals and children would have no problems getting through them which in my eyes makes them not very prototypical.

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I made up some gates from styrene and added mesh before spray-painting the whole thing white. It looks nice and fine, but the mesh shouldn't be painted as in reality it would probably be galvanised steel. Viewed from normal distances, your gates will look better as they are than with mesh added :)





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