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2011, a year to remember or a year to forget?



2011 has been a very much mixed up year for me, it has been a year of extreme highs and lows, more or less in equal measure.

On the down side my personal life has been turned on its head and pulled though a hedge backwards, that’s the only way I can describe it.

At the start of the year two events took place that will probably be two of the most significant events that will stay in my life for ever.

In January my wife was diagnosed with bone cancer, and I was also told that I would be losing my job through redundancy in April.

Just one of those events would be enough, but both together, I was devastated to say the least.

Because of these events another great upheaval took place and that was a house move back to the Black Country from Telford so we could be nearer to our kids and family.

The redundancy was really a blessing in disguise for me, at 60 years of age the prospects of getting another job was remote to say the least, so I signed on the “Dole” and took things as they came. At least I would not be working 12 hour night shifts anymore!

In March there was a brief “high” point. My Model railway layout Pen-Y-Bont was featured in Model Rail magazine, It was a strange feeling actually seeing your work through the eyes of photographer Craig Tiley and words by Richard Foster but I really felt that I had got some where at last with my hobby.

Pen-Y-Bont again featured when I took the layout to two exhibitions. Telford in October and Wolverhampton in November.

I was also really chuffed when Andy York contacted me and wanted to feature Pen-Y-Bont in Modelling Inspiration, so that was another high note for me.

After “signing on” for six months and getting nowhere with job searching I had had enough and have thrown in the towel. I now claim Pension Credit and class myself as retired so that is the blessing in disguise I was talking about earlier.

My wife continues to receive treatment for her cancer and is still fairly well considering, so we hope we have some more quality time now I am at home 24/7.

I was too late re-joining RMWeb to enter the 2011 challenge competition and I suppose to be fair the way things were going at the start of the year it would have been unlikely that I would have entered into anything that would take up much spare time.

However I have found another internet forum MRG, which is a new group of around 100 members.

One of their ideas is for each member to build some sort of diorama over the winter months, no competition, no prizes, just interchange of ideas and progress on the forum.


I decided to take part because unlike the RMWeb 2011 contest there was no pressure to complete in a given time scale, Hence my new layout (or part of it) Morfa Bach was born.

Towards the end of 2011 and my own health is now starting to go downhill. I have a few problems including COPD, Heart disease and angina and to top it off I have been told by an orthopaedic specialist that I have a partly fused spine which is not going to get any better.

This almost put a full stop to me showing any layout at any exhibition but, since joining MRG and Cradley Heath MRC I have been amazed by the offers of help at shows,so, Pen –Y-Bont and hopefully Morfa Bach will be out and about again in 2012.


So, as you can see it’s been a very mixed year for me. I don’t believe in wish lists but if I could just have a couple of things for Christmas it would be a cure for Cancer and a long happy retirement.


I’m sorry if any of this has bored you to tears but, by telling others about such things makes it a lot easier for me to bear.






Money is tight, times are hard, Here's your E Christmas card!





Cheers everyone and happy new year!


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Thankyou for sharing your highs and lows, Frank.

My best wishes for improved health to you and your dear-wife in the forthcoming year, and also for continued success with your superb modelling.

All the best.

Debs. and Co(llies)

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Frank,


I am very sorry to hear that you have had a very difficult year and I do hope things improve for you and your wife in 2012.


Have a good Christmas and very best wishes for the New Year.


Best, Pete

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All the best for you both in 2012. I too had to take early retirement in 2010 to care for my wife (at 55) and even though it was hard to start with we have now adjusted life and enjoy our time together. I hope your retirement is as enjoyable as mine.


All the best for Christmas and the New Year.



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Hi Frank

I gathered luck has not been part of your life for a while, but it is good that you can share it with us - because sharing lessens the burden.


Good to hear of Morfa Bach and glad to hear you are keeping the faith.with your Cambrian quest


Best wishes for you, your good lady and family and hope 2012 is as healthy a year as possible for you all.


Kind regards


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  • RMweb Gold

Small consolation, Frank, but I can't be the only one who enjoyed seeing your layout in Model Rail, especially as we had seen its development on the forum. Here's to a happy and positive 2012 for you and your wife, and may we continue to see more quality modelling from you.

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Frank -


I thought I'd had problems this year.... Whilst it's tempting fate to say 'Roll on31/12, lets hope 2012 is a better year for all of us.


Keep modelling mate - it's the greatest stress-buster I know, and the people doing it are great too!





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  • RMweb Gold

Merry Christmas Frank. What a year you've had. But good to hear that you and your family are spending quality time together. Just five good minutes together are worth an awful lot, as you'll know.


And thanks for sharing Pen-Y-Bont here and in the public, it's a great layout which has that illusive "right feel" to it, I think.

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Ladies & Gents,

Thank you all for your responses and kind words. I am a little bit overwhelmed by the number of you who have taken time and trouble to leave comments and kind wishes.


I am really lost for words to respond back if i was to be honest so I will just let my opening line to this message say it all.


We are both looking forward in a positive manner to the new year and what ever it brings. It is thanks to people like you that has given us the motivation to keep going forward.


I know I am not the only one who has had problems of one sort or another over the last 12 months and I hope that those of you who have also had a poor year also get a better deal in 2012.


Thank you all once again, and yet again the power of RMWeb brings out the best in people.


good luck


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