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Leeds Pivotal/Chamberlain Car Prime Grey SLA models arrives

Red Devil


A large box containing lots of goodies arrived courtesy of UPS this afternoon, amongst them the first of the resin SLA Leeds Pivotal Cars, a few pics











Overall. delighted with this one, I'd say all the detail in the CAD has printed well, so it's fully detailed, the only visible stepping is on the roof, which is dead easy to smooth and sort out, I can honestly say that I think 'traditional' trams are going to 'print' really well in this method using the same orientation. I can honestly say that I think this is the best one yet, I can't believe that I struggled to cut hundreds of bits of evergreen strip up for not as good a result, chuffed!


So think I'd better get the previous Hamiliton cars (like 399 at Crich) sorted out, it's pretty much set up in the part planning/part set off stage. EE pivotal soon as well.


Pilcher test print ordered too. If anyone wants to have a look at quite a few of these at various stages from raw print to 99% finished model, 'Grime St' is at the Pennine MRC show this coming weekend (21/22 Jan) in Huddersfield, I will have the models and some CAD work with me if anyone is interested.

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They look good. What company printed them?


I Materialise, Prime Grey again, I've been looking at a couple of US based producers, but to be honest they're a bit of a pain to deal with, as yet £ v detail I've still not found better, but like anything elsew will keep looking, I'm really surprised that Shapeways haven't got any SLA in their portfolio (or have they, no looked for a good while?).

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Hi RedDevil, Having got one of these off you I can see why you're so pleased with them - the detail really is good, and as you say the print works really well for the traditional tram type.


The little dots from the supports required during printing are so easy to get off, much less work than putting together a plastic or white metal kit. And of course there are no joints to fill - great!


Will definitely be back for more.

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