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Building a Typical West Highland Station



blog-0764547001327074176.jpgA typical West Highland Station





I did build a West Highland Station in N Guage in 1985; still have it but it needs a little TLC


While going through the various forums on RMweb I came across

Rannoch MoorWest Highland Line Modern Image Project Started by MRDBLUE17

This kindled a little fire in my head and I just had to have a go I managed to get a set of window and door etch done by Pete Harvey to Marks design ; I think they sat beside my printer for a year.

In the meantime I searched the WWW for as much info as I could I also had some old photos taken for the first model of Arrochar and Tarbert which had a little detail in them but the best plans I could come up with were from the 1944/7 booklet by LNER The Story of the West Highland the plans are to be found in Appendix A; these were not printed in the later reprints of the Book


It should be noted that although the West Highland Stations are of a similar design; based on Swiss Chalets, each one is different in length and internal layout this one was built as a typical West Highland Station with no particular station in mind.




The plan was scanned and reworked to as near 4mm as I could get it it was time to buy some of that plastocard and a bottle or two of plastic weld


I bought most of my materials at the Perth MR Show and invested in a Chopper ( I wish that had been a 1000cc one in royal blue) and a balsa stripper both made life a lot easier



I used various thickness of plain plasticard and for the shingles I used Wills rounded tiles in OO it would have been better if this was N guage but I could not find any.

A copy of the plans were made and I started with the ends




The first problem I encountered came when I started on the sides the etched windows were oversize as were the doors. I decided to go ahead and use the etched doors and make the winows out of strip plastic




my method of construction was to cut a strip of 40th plasticard to width and glue the embosed plasticard to this cutting out the windows as I went along following the drawing.




First side done shown with both ends




To make the windows I made up a sheet as a template to build them on; I used glossy photographic paper big mastake as the windows stuck to them had to soak them off in luke warm water




I used plain paper and used a gray background which made things a lot easier






End on view notice the glazing this happened by accident as I knocked over a bottle of plastic weld!!




I used foam board top and bottom to hold the structure together












I made a mock up the roof in card when I was satisfied that it was correct I dismantled it and used it as a template to make the roof in plastic sheet




Ready for a coat of Halfords white primer




Next time I make a building I will paint the station at this stage and glaze the windows, as it would be a lot easier to mask off




Once sprayed I left it in the greenhouse to dry overnight




Underside of roof










I still have to do a little filling, touch up the paint, and to find suitable guttering as well as glaze the window’s


For those intrested I still have plans in 4mm scale and the following mock up of the window and door template which needs to be done in CAD to make up for brass etching any takers please contact me.





I have added gutters which were plastic u section which I rounded of a corner added micro strip to look like joins the downpip is plastic agein with micro strip for joins I also added the glazzing and new chiminy pots








I am pleased with this attemt the painting leaves a lot to be desired but the station does look the part

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I'm half way through making one of these. I didn't know window etches were available so I used strips of vinyl for the window frames.


Can't say I'm particularly looking forward to doing the roof, so I'm going to have a dry run with a cereal box first.

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Hi will5210 when I came to build the station I found the etchings of the windows oversize for my plans so could not use them I ended up making my windows out of stip plastic but did use the doors and the end window etch.

I made a practice run of the roof in card which worked out okay then made the final roof in plastic sheet covered in paper tiles.

Making the roof was not as bad as I thought and I think it looks about right on this model

having made this on I will make another using brass etching for doors and windows just have to master CAD

Hope your roof works out

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Nice work Eddie,


This is the only building I need to build on my WHL layout and their's a gaping 2ft space of platform area awaiting me to pluck the courage up to start.

I plan to build the one based on Ian Futer's plans, of Ardlui from Railway Modeler i think, but the windows have been the one thing holding me back.

I know what you mean about the shingles, my plan was to do them as plain plasticard as in 4mm scale, i feel it would be something only noticed under close scrutiny. Let us know if you have any luck with etching the windows and doors, something I'd be interested in.


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hi Trevor

if I was doing it again scale etching would be the way to go

If you are scratch building the windows I would use ready cut strip and a lot of patience

The detailed plan I Have shows the windows at 2ft x 5.6ft and there are 30 of them plus 4 7ftx2ft windows and 10 3ft x1 ft door lights and 10 doors

nearest I could get to shingles was a fancy roof tile in 4mm would be okay if it was 2mm there is a proper measurement below




Forgot to mention for the shingles I used Wills rounded Tiles ssmp207 OO scale would look better if 2mm

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Hi Eddie,


Thanks for the link as I hadn't seen your station building up to now but I am glad that I have! Sorry about the window sizes not being scale for the buildings on the WHL structures - I probably told you before but I took them from measuring my old Edinburgh tennament flat windows and doors as they were on hand to measure to create the effect.


I will speak to Martin about etching the windows from your plans as he is pretty useful having done some 2fs stuff recently and he might be interested as he could possibly do them in 2 mm as well. I'll let you know when I see him next.


I used the Wills sheet for the Shingles on the entrance shelter but filed them down first the main walls were done using a thin sheet from Slaters I think that created the effect - I agree 2mm would have been the best option but I couldn't find anything to suit either.


It certainly looks very good Eddie and will look forward to catching up with you at Glasgow!


All the best,


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Now finished the guttering used plastic u channel and rounded off the edge fixed the downpipes but still have to connect a pipe from the gutters will wait till I decide if I am putting a lights or interior in or no as the roof is not glued in place.

I also fitted new chiminy pots which for me look a lot better also put in the glazing


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Hi Eddie,


The building looks great! I didn't know you had a blog, if you told me I obviously forgot.


I've the plans for ardlui in Ian futers book which I plan on building for my island platform. Once the platforms built ill look agian at this building. I don't want it to over dominate the platform. All the models I've seen the building on have had 5 or 6 foot platforms. Mine will be around 4' from ramp to ramp. I may have to remove a section in the middle to make it aesthetically pleasing.


Keep in touch,




You could see more of me this year because I've got the bike in the garage as I type and hope to be back out and about within the fortnight.

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