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"Thompson A2/2 build - 60503 Lord President" - Update

S.A.C Martin


Last time I was getting to grips with the major bodyshell conversions. This time, I've finished the valve gear.




Yes, it's very crude. It uses components from the donor A2 model, and a spare set of Bachmann V2 valve gear I had squirreled away. Does it work? Surprisingly, yes. It works quite well. I have managed second radius curves with the model in its current state quite happily.




I've been making modifications to the boiler - removal of certain boiler bands, and a complete redoing of the firebox end (not finished yet - new washout plugs, handrail and similar to fit). The smokebox is next on my agenda, however, as it needs the extended superheater headers fitted before the smoke deflectors I've been working on.


I've also sorted out the tender connection, so the whole model is now mechanically complete. Onto the aesthetics and paintwork in the next few weeks!




Until next time.

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It maybe the camera .

Your front buffers are reaching for the sky. I had the same problem on mine it was due to the resin casting being too long where it meets the chassis,.

As a result it was pushing the front of the footplate upwards.

Easy cure cut the bottom off the offending resin part, there is enough resin left for the securing screw.


In case you dont know DMR do the smoke deflectors for £2.00

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Thanks Mick - and yes, the buffers are pointing upwards. Just gone and taken a look - will sort them tomorrow. Thanks for the tip RE DMR - will look them up tomorrow too.

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Speaking as one who now has three of these conversions to his name, I'm rather surprised by the use of the Bachmann V2 valve gear, not least the rather alarming looking splayed-out nature of the slidebars. Am I right in thinking these are the original A2 ones bodged to fit the V2 crosshead? Either way, I'm surprised it works, though probably after a fashion! ;)


The only other point centres around the bufferbeam. As you are probably aware, red is a notoriously difficult colour to paint over anything, least of all over black! Personally, I'd have used a grey or white primer and then masked it off before painting the black. I also doubt the buffers will be quite so springy after being entirely coated in black, but that's a very minor point indeed!

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The buffers and their shanks haven't been painted. The Bachmann LNER spares come in that colour. Therefore they are as springy as the day they were made.


The resin components have actually got a coating of grey undercoat underneath the black.


Yes, the valve gear works. Yes, after a fashion (hence the word "crude" used in the blog post). The A2 crossheads are spares I obtained from Bachmann and have been shaped to match the V2 set so that a correct fit for the V2 valve gear can be obtained. Is it good looking? No not particularly, but it works.


It's not perfect, I never claimed so, but it works and I am content enough with that.


I have said previously that I haven't the skills yet to tackle a full conversion of the valve gear, and that I will in time do so when I have the skills. The V2 valve gear was cheap, fits surprisingly well, and works when combined with a few A2 bits and pieces.

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... after a fashion


...(hence the word "crude" used in the blog post).


... Is it good looking? No not particularly,


... It's not perfect, I never claimed so,


...when I have the skills.

Simon, more self confidence sir. This is a big old cut and shut project, the kind that would have me thinking twice (actually, I'd totally shy away from it). I don't think there's any need to apologise for taking your particular route through a given aspect of the job. Its your compromise, on your model, for you to find and accept. Not to load with disclaimers.


One would trust that Tim points out these comments as pointers you might wish to take on board either this time or next - after all, this one will lead to skills acquired and lessons learnt that you will put to use on the next project. The tone reads a bit harsh maybe, Tim old boy, bit destructive rather than constructive.

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Simon, excellent work so far. I'm not a fan of Thompson locos (hence my modelling period is firmly set in the Gresley era) but I can appreciate a good project when I see one! Mr King has outdone himself with this kit and you've done a great job of applying it to a rather expensive rtr model.


Re the valve gear: I think it looks more than acceptable. Does the comet V2 gear look better? Yes but looking at your locomotive as a whole I don't think your approach detracts from it at all. Personally I would be more worried about matching the blackening of the gear to that of the coupling rods.


10/10 for effort, keep up the great work. Although I don't often post yours is a must read blog and source of inspiration for me!

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