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Continued progress

Ian Holmes


Safely returned from my trip home, recovered from Jet Lag and inspired by my visit to Pendon. This weekend I set to and did some more work on the APA box layout. Two of the three structures were ready to visit the paint shop for a coat of primer the third, and largest one still needed some work to get there. So I grabbed my scriber scribed some sheets of styrene to the pattern I needed. A long task, but inspired by what the chaps at Pendon do it wasn't really that difficult.

With the third structure clad it was time to prime. Luckily it is unseasonably warm here in Minnesota this year so I was able to spray in the garage in relative comfort. The warmth would also be good for the paint finish too.

So here then are a few views of what I have done so far today.


This view shows how the perspective backscene is going to fit in. The road works quite well but I feel that the structure needs to be continued onto the backscene too. That's another Photoshop skill to learn then..


Step back a bit to see how the two structures on the left hand side fit in to the scene. Quite well. I'm very happy with the way they work. The small warehouse with the cut away open front will have a detailed interior (Pendon inspiration again) and you will be able to look through to the open door at the back to see a freight car arrive.


Front right. The wagon view block will work very well though I'm on the look for a cheap Hi-Cube car to hide the exit to the fiddle yard better.


Step back to see how the right side works. Being inspired by the Deltak facility, this structure is white, so once I'd popped some white on it I figured it was good to go. Got a few more couple of details to pop on later tonight when the paint is fully dry. This view also stresses the importance of getting a curve in the corner of the backscene.

There we go then. Good inspiring progress for me.

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Liking the progress so far.


How are you finding the APA box? did you do much to it in terms of support/base for track etc? I ask as I'm considering getting one to use for West Cromwell Road that I'm planning.

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The APA box goes together quickly and is very rigid. What I've done on this one is add a layer of expanded polystyrene topped with cork sheet to bring it up to the level of the box frame.

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Thanks Ian, will investigate one when time/funds permit. Could just be the right size for West Cromwell Road, and a cheap starting option.


Whats the weight like btw?

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