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Presidents Day off

Ian Holmes


Thank goodness for American Presidents! Without them I wouldn't be gifted another day off work! ;)

So once again I'm making good use of the time off and working on the APA Box layout.

Today I've done lots of little jobs.

I made an abortive start on the fiddleyards, that got aborted when I discovered I didn't have enough 2 x 1. A case of not measuring twice I'm afraid. So after that I set to and sprayed the track, gave the ground a basic coat of earth colour, rounded the corners in the back of the box (so I won't have any corners in the sky later when I put the backscene in). Started painting the HVAC units and extractor fans and vents for the roofs and started messing around with the road too...

Here's the results so far...


1. Overall view. I have to admit to being a bit miffed that I managed to spray a little track colour onto the APA box frame. I was going to leave the box its natural colour for the show. Still I'm sure the overspray will sand out.


2. View down the road to the backscene


3. Inside the small warehouse. Here you can get a feel for the effect I'm aiming for being able to see cars arrive through the open door.


4. The big structure. I must admit to being quite pleased with the way this one has developed.


5. My favourite view into the left rear corner

Anyway, I've still got a couple more hours before wife gets back from work so perhaps I can get a bit more done

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