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T1 - nearly ready for painting



The T1 is now mostly complete. There's still a few details to be added to the chassis, and I'm in the process of assembling a cab interior out of plasticard. This is partly guesswork, being based on some slightly murky photos of T1s the show parts of the cab and some photos of the cab of the preserved O2. I'm guessing there's some similarities, since they are both Adams locos. Photos of the ca to follow when it's done.


This is the current state of the loco.


The main hold up was getting the dome to sit correctly. This took a lot of milliput, and sanding down, to get it correct.


I'm not completely sure about the brake rodding. It's a bit flimsy, surprising given how robust the rest of the chassis was.


The rest of the details - handrails, cab fillers, whistle etc will be fitted after painting.

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Yes, it's going to have a good scrub and rub down before I paint it to remove any lumps of solder, glue and gunge. My soldering isn't the neatest.

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