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Time Travelling Equine Transport - Back Dating and Detailing The N Gauge Lima Horsebox - Part 2.



More work on the horsebox. I had hoped to make some more progress but it has been too hot and sticky to spend time upstairs in front of a window that looks west on an evening! I did manage to get some of my UPOs (un-painted objects) undercoated as a result of the hot weather allowing access to the garden without fear of disaster so it's not all bad.


The end steps were added next. I thinned down some styrene angle to something like the correct dimensions so that steps could be cut uniformly to length from this modified section. I used styrene because a good bond could be made easily to the end due to the identical materials being easily bonded. A paper template was made to help with alignment, which flips over for the other side.




The eagle eyed will probably notice the lower step on the left side. The drawing shows it the right way up but pictures show it fitted this y. After asking on the GWSG the answer came that this is a result of the GWR using 3 tail lamps in their early years and the fitting of the lower step was necessary to allow the lamp to be carried on a lamp iron fixed in this area just above the buffer beam. I'm not sure I'll be making too much effort to adapt the brass coach kits I have stashed that should probably also have this feature. It's likely that they match the drawings quite nicely, but not photographs.


The ventilators above the doors have been added, along with those on the roof. These vehicles had lamp tops for roof ventilators so they look just like the lamp tops.




I create lamp tops from PECO track pins with the head filed flatter and a sliver of stripped insulation, a method described by Frank Lax in some inspirational articles in RM from my youth. There might be a better way but they look quite acceptable when painted. Some spares are shown in the foreground of the photo above. Here's a 3/4 view with poor depth of field :oops:




The chassis is substantially complete. This has been built up from an assortment of components, scrap, and surplus parts scrounged from other kits in a manner not dissimilar to that described for the Beetle B chassis here.




The buffer beams are the most obvious thing remaining to be added, although there are other minor parts to go on. I am not looking forward to adding the lower foot steps because they will require soldering after the spring and axle box castings, which are whitemetal!




A final photograph of the other horseboxes under construction. The bodies are from David Eveleigh kits with additional parts where required. The chassis are from the same 'source' as my other NPCS under frame constructions i.e. cobbled together from surplus. I did make some etches for a 10' chassis for 7mm wheels. It is a simple one part affair that comprises of fold down W irons that they brakes fold in from however I sold most of them to friends and other 2mm scale association members and left myself short. Never mind.




Those eagle eyed people mentioned earlier might also be able to spot some other otems clogging the workbench: A GER passenger cattle box (This probably needs a better home), and an Ultima O11 Siphon G that haven't got very far with.

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On the Lima Horsebox, I think that there was only one, central, lamp over the drover's compartment. It's impossible to tell from the drawings, and I've not seen any photographs from above, but I can't see why two lamps would be needed there

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I thought there were 6 ventilators and one lamp, but the ventilators on these are lamp tops so they're all the same? I know I spent a long while pondering what there should be, but I can't remember the exacting drawings/pictures for the decision process now.


While we're on the subject of lamps do you think the offset single lamps on my early Beetle B are likely to be correct? I couldn't understand why they would be offset because the water tank wasn't that long and the drawings all seem to disagree with each other. Again, there are no pictures that I have seen showing any of the roof features clearly. I'm very nearly at the roof painting stage with these.

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I've not seen any photographs from above


Further to what I wrote above GWRJ 81 p57 lower has a photo of some horse boxes that have been shunted onto the platform at Princes Risborough. The one that is riding up over the buffers happens to be 157, of N12, and the roof layout is quite visible. That is the basis for the roof detail.

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