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About this blog

A companion blog to my Brent layout topic and steam modelling blog where most of my work in progress modelling is posted.  The aim being to display the completed stock for the layout, along with a record as to the work done.  The eventual plan is that each loco will have a single post, along with posts detailing each complete train.

Most of the modelling has previously been covered either in my steam workbench blog, or on the Brent thread.  Any questions, potential improvements or other comments please fire away!

Entries in this blog

7427 - GWR Green

Background This is another of those projects where the end result isnt really needed, but seeing as I had all the bits I figured I may as well build it.  The body was purchased years ago intended for a High Level chassis, after finding a Bachmann chassis at a reasonable price it was an easy decision to get the loco commissioned into serviceable condition.   Finding an identity was fairly straightforward, a 74xx was a lot more useful than a 54/64xx given I dont need anything auto fitted.  So

The Fatadder

The Fatadder in Tank Engines

1364: GWR Green

Background First of all this loco is an unpowered paint sample from Kernow Models, purchased at one of the SWAG members days.  I had a choice between an unpainted model or a painted one for a few pounds more, so made the mistake of choosing the latter (only to find out shortly after that the unpainted ones had a motor fitted.)      Usage During the track building phase of the layout this loco proved very useful, the lack of motor meaning that you could push the loco along the

The Fatadder

The Fatadder in Tank Engines

5108: GWR Green

Background This started off as a cheap ebay find which turned out to have ruined cylinders, these were eventually replaced and the loco resprayed in a better shade of GWR green before adding Narrow Planet plates and weathering.  The plan was to sell in advance of the Hornby model’s arrival, but it didn’t sell and remains in the fleet.  It lacks a decoder and more likely than not will end up on ebay once again to raise funds towards a Hornby or Dapol replacement.  (If anyone would be interes

The Fatadder

The Fatadder in Tank Engines

5798 GWR Green

Background: This started off as a Bachmann model already in GWR livery and DCC fitted to boot, it has been renumbered to Newton Abbot's 5798 with a set of Narrow Planet plates and some HMRS transfers.  A set of RT Models sandbox linkages were added to the front.  The moulded rear lamp irons were replaced with the Finney etch, while the missing front / side lamp irons were added also with the Finney etch.  A Hardy's Hobbies crew was added, and the loco was weathered / coaled.  Finally the in

The Fatadder

The Fatadder in Tank Engines

4582 GWR Green

Background: This is a standard Bachmann release of the 4575 class which has been renumbered to 4582 (HMRS transfers and Narrow Planet plates).  Unfortunately the bunker area is a bit of poor design, with the rear fairing, coal load and the lower back of the cab interior are all moulded as one piece.  This means to remove the moulded coal load you have to remove the cab roof first, once out it was split into 3 parts (with the fairing and interior glued back into place.  With the roof off the

The Fatadder

The Fatadder in Tank Engines

4547 GWR Black

Background Small prairies dominated the traffic on the Kingsbridge branch, so I have tried to keep a little variation within the fleet. I haven’t done a great deal to the Bachmann model other than a respray into GWR wartime black.  Transfers and number plates are the usual from HMRS / Narrow Planet, which the couplings are of course Dinghams.  I find that black engines need weathering a lot more than green ones, so as well as being the first to get couplings it is also the first of my

The Fatadder

The Fatadder in Tank Engines

1470 - GWR Black

Background This is another "it looks nice" purchase, starting with a 2nd hand DJM 58xx in BR black I added the auto working bits (along with the ATC equipment).  The BR logo was removed (Microsol as per usual) and replaced with HMRS G W R transfers.  The BR smokebox door number was very well moulded on this model as a separate component, this really simplified removing the unwanted parts.  Research into the prototype loco highlighted that it had been renumbered from 4870 to 1470 before my t

The Fatadder

The Fatadder in Tank Engines

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