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The (long) story of the planning and eventual construction of a fun home layout

Entries in this blog

Planned expansion

The current 'continuous running' topic in the main forum reminded me how long it is since I updated this, so:   It is still very much a goer of a project, and it is likely that I will be starting (with help from Re6/6) on extruded polystyrene-type baseboards in the near future - although on past experience I'm not going to state any timescales!   It has also grown a bit and is now about 20ft by 9ft. The reason for this is to give a longer scenic runpast section and storage, especially with



Some authentic full-length train formations

Although I haven't started building the layout yet (next month maybe?) I have been assembling a few trains to run on it, especially some reasonable length ones, and here's a couple of them (straight from the box, no weathering yet or replacement couplings).   (Note that in these photos the trains are more or less plonked on temporary track - the DB is on 00 track on the new DRAG TT2, but has humps over the board joins where the sleepers haven't been removed yet; and the Western and Mk1s are o



Well that went swimmingly

All loaded up from the old RMWeb (thanks to Martin for the app) - almost gives me enough inspiration to start building the thing! (One thing's certain I won't be short of stock to run on it!).




00 roundy-roundy - Tawbridge   by 10800   original page on Old RMweb __________________________________________ Comment posted by beast66606 on Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:17 pm   Captain Kernow wrote: beast66606 wrote: In signalling one can never say never just say unlikely - not sure Andrew does a range of RTP signals ... I think it would have been worked, Rod. A fixed distant would normally be provided in situations where the stop signals ahead of it would never have all been cleare




00 roundy-roundy - Tawbridge   by 10800   original page on Old RMweb __________________________________________ Comment posted by westrerner on Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:37 pm   I'll try and get Dave to see what happens with his spamcan and Pullmans on Epsom tonight if I remember. I'll post results. It'll definitely take 8 Bulleids and bogie van, the Pullmans I'm not so sure about. __________________________________________ Comment posted by westrerner on Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:24 am   We d



Backdrops and invasions

00 roundy-roundy - Tawbridge   by 10800   original page on Old RMweb __________________________________________ Comment posted by <H3 class=first><A href="#p313532">Re: Proposed 00 Withered Arm (or anywhere) roundy-roundy on Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:59 pm   A solution to this is to file a soldering iron bit to the shape of the wheel profile, and run it along the top of the rail. This will melt just enough plastic off the top of the chair jaws to clear the wheels. Or you could




00 roundy-roundy - Tawbridge   by 10800   original page on Old RMweb __________________________________________   ??? posted on Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:25 pm   It's a nice idea Alan, but doesn't feature in the plans at the moment __________________________________________ Comment posted by Captain Kernow on Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:12 pm   But Rod....... just think how nice it would be to have a cute little signalbox and a couple of working signals.... (interchangeable, to suit different c




00 roundy-roundy - Tawbridge   by 10800   original page on Old RMweb __________________________________________   ??? posted on Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:09 pm   It's all Hornby's fault , coupled with an approaching birthday (making me more time conscious, not because of presents potential), where I live, and my attraction to all things of the green tendency. And maybe the Hull boys' recent layout project. I'm giving consideration - serious consideration - to building a relatively small roun




This blog will document the planning, deliberations, prevarications, and hopefully construction and operation of a 00 roundy roundy layout for me to play with (occasionally) at home - when the kitchen/dining room is available for me to put it up. The fact that we have had the kitchen recently rebuilt so it is now the largest room in the house is of course entirely coincidental .   First off is to import the pages from the old RMWeb using Martin Wynne's brilliant little device (see elsewhere



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